Part 38

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Ryumi walks down the stairs, letting out a loud yawn, causing her dad to look at her incredulously.

"You've been sleeping for ages. How can you still be tired?" he wonders before popping a sausage in his mouth.

Ryumi shrugs. "I'm a teenager, it comes with the territory. You know, changing bodies and all that." she explains, making him grimace.

"Don't remind me." he grumbles. "You are looking less like your cute self with each passing day." he states, causing his daughter to protest.

Rinko cuts in, "He's only trying to say that you are growing into a beautiful young lady." she says before sighing wistfully. "I can't wait until you have your first date."

Nanjiro scoffs at the idea. "Since when is that something to look forward to? No one is dating my daughter until I say so! Jeesh."

Ryumi sees her mom's eye twitch. "That is not up to you!"

"Of course it is! It's my duty as a father!" he counters.

"Nonsense! She's smart enough to judge for herself." her mom defends.

"Err.... I'll think I'll head out now." Ryumi announces quietly before slipping out and leaving the two bickering adults behind.

She meets Ryoma out front. "What's up with them?" he wonders, hearing his parents from where he stands.

Ryumi shrugs once again. "I think it's a mid-life crisis thing." she utters before thanking her little brother when he hands her a granola bar which she quickly pops into her mouth.

"Ready?" Ryoma asks, making her nod and follow him... towards the bowling alley.


Ryumi eyes the clear blue fluid filled pitcher, reminding them all of the consequences of losing of guttering the ball. Eiji tried a little taste and was not happy. Apparently, this concoction of Inui's is incredibly sour. Momo yelled he was going blind after just a second of hovering over the pitcher.

The Ichinen trio, who were so excited to participate before suddenly felt more than a little apprehensive.

Coach Ryuzaki and Oishi who set this game up as a celebratory activity for making it this far in the tennis tournament divide the teams as following; Ryoma and Momoshiro; Eiji and Fuji; Inui and Kaidoh; Kawamura and Horio and last but not least; Kachiro, Katsuo and Ryumi and the only trio.

Oishi tells them he will be playing with his left hand, so they won't have to worry about his wrist. After that, it's time to get started.

"Alright, let's not be outdone!" Ryumi cheers, making the two boys nod excitedly.

Ryumi lets the two boys go the first round and claps as they manage a spare. They are off to a good start already.

Beside them, Kaidoh tries to do some sort of Boomerang snake, but... that doesn't work with bowling. Inui already stands behind him with a shot glass of his Aozu. There is no mercy for his teammate.

They all look in horror as the junior passes out after downing the drink. "We c-can't let our guard down." Ryumi trembles slightly. Kachiro and Katsuo gulp.

"I have never bowled before." Fuji muses.

"Relax, relax! I'll take care of the rest!" Eiji assures him, flexing his arms. He has regularly bowled with his family before and is feeling confident.

Fuji's approach looks great, but at the last second, the ball swerves into the gutter. "So close..." Fuji sighs before taking the Aozu from Inui without a worry. "How does it taste this time Inui?" he wonders. He always liked Inui's weird concoctions.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now