Part 16

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Ryoma has found the perfect way to counter Yuuta's shot, which he insists on using. It's the Drive B. He slides up under the shot before returning it. Now he can return Yuuta's shot before it even bounces and he won't even have to worry about reach. It's brilliant.

"I just sealed your Lefty-killer, the Twist Spin shot. What'll you do now?" Ryoma asks, looking confident. "Your big brother isn't the only strong one here. Your goal might be to beat your big brother, but... I'm aiming much higher." he tells Yuuta, pointing at the sky.

Yuuta frowns. "You'll have to beat me first, before you can go higher!"

"Of course." Ryoma agrees, clearly planning to do just that. And soon he is gaining on Yuuta in points before eventually surpassing him.

"You're doing great Ryoma! Just a little longer." Ryumi tells him when they have a short break. He gives her the thumbs up in reply.

She then glances over to Yuuta who is talking to Mizuki. For some reason, Mizuki doesn't look worried, but smug. She doubts that predicts any good. "But be careful till the end."

There is no need however, because Yuuta continued to do his thing and Mizuki's smile slowly fell. Something did change about Yuuta's play however during the last game. He looked to be having more fun.

"Game, set and match for Seigaku's Echizen. 6-4!" calls the umpire, ending the game and causing loud cheers to erupt.

Next up, will be Fuji against Mizuki himself. Mizuki gets up to ready himself while Fuji follows him with his eyes, a cold look in them. Because, who dares let his brother use a shot that could be dangerous to him?

He steps into the court and retrieves his racket. "Tezuka, do you feel like playing?" he asks.

"Hm?" is his only reply.

Fuji stands up, looking determined. "I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like we'll get to you this time." he says with conviction. The look in his eyes would make anyone shiver. Ryumi knows exactly why he's upset. Mizuki has played his brother, but she is sure he won't get away with it.

"We'll now start with the second singles between Seigaku's Fuji and St Rudolph's Mizuki!" the umpire calls.

They reach across the net to shake hands, but at the last moment Fuji retracts his, leaving Mizuki stunned for a moment. Finally he chuckles, waving it off before starting the match.

Fuji starts to serve, but somehow, Mizuki returns them all at Fuji's weak spots, not giving him a chance. He really has done a lot of research. Fuji's losing, and he's losing hard...

"Game won by St Rudolph. 5-0. Change court!"

"This is bad." Ryumi mutters before glancing over at Yuuta. He looks beaten. He may not be very fond of his brother, but he hates to see him done in like this as well.

As Mizuki and Fuji pass each other, close by Yuuta, Fuji pauses. "Mizuki. I'm going to ask this, just to be sure; Did you teach Yuuta that Twist Spin shot even though you knew the damage it'd do to his shoulder?" he asks, surprising Yuuta.

"Winning's the most important thing." Mizuki answers uncaringly. "To me, there are casualties to victory." he explains before they part, leaving Yuuta shocked.

Fuji's expression tells nothing as he takes a different racket from his bag before returning to his side of the court.

Inui pushes his glasses further up his nose. "Did you really get the correct data?" he mutters, leaving those around him to wonder what he means.

"The only person whom I can't correctly get data from is Fuji." he tells them.

They watch on as the match continues and for the first time, Fuji manages to win a point. Mizuki is stumped. He did not expect this.

"That shot just now...was aimed at my stronger side." Fuji reveals.

Ryumi smirks, knowing this is the point where Fuji will turn things around and show everyone why they call him a prodigy. Never mind him being far behind in points. He will crush Mizuki.

Mizuki looks to be in sheer panic as Fuji gains point after point.

"Fuji isn't the kind that allows others to know his weaknesses." Inui declares. "He only thought he knew them because of his arrogance." he says, referring to Mizuki. Certainly he feels like he's getting some entertainment out of it.

"Game and match for Seigaku, 7-5!" the umpire calls, ending the match.

Ryumi looks to the side to see they have gained new onlookers. Hyotei was it?

A sudden scream makes her look back to see Mizuki on his knees. "Jeesh, he's dramatic." she sighs as he cusses out Fuji and accuses him of playing with him, which she's sure he did.

"Thank you, for taking care of my brother." Fuji states simply.


They watched a few more games, seeing Fudomine win against Hyotei. That's good. They really improved. But that concludes the day. The next matches will be next week.

Ryumi sighs tiredly as she and Ryoma walk home from the bus station. "I'm so tired~. It's so hot~. Why can't you be taller chibisuke? You could carry me home." Ryumi complains, making Ryoma roll his eyes at her antics.

"Mada mada dane."

"Hey Ryoma." she calls, suddenly sounding serious, making him turn to her. "Hey Ryoma. Have you ever... Have you ever resented me, for being ahead of you?" she asks unsurely, making him blink up at her in surprise before looking to the ground in thought.

"No, I don't think so." he answers after a moment. "Our style is too different and I guess because you're a girl, people didn't mention it as much. There is no way we would have ever met in a match after all." he explains before turning around and continuing on his way.

"Hm? I guess so." she muses, following after her.

She smirks suddenly. "Just to let you know. I don't plan on being called Echizen Ryoma's bygone sister either." she tells him, making him smile knowingly as he looks at her over his shoulder.

It has been so exciting, watching these matches. She looks at hands before clutching her heart.... 'I need to find a way to play again. But how?'

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now