Part 43

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Ryumi sighs, falling into her sheets after putting on some dry clothes. She just rushed to the temple after classes to make sure her rabbits were all right in this weather before hurrying home. The pelting rain doused her to the bone.

She listens as the wind pulls at the shutters, making them rattle. This is a serious typhoon...

Her phone buzzes, making her pick up her phone from her nightstand. "I'm not surprised..." she breathes, seeing the text placed in the group chat by Oishi, who made Kaidoh and Momo join the chat as well. 'Finals moved to next week because of heavy rain.'

She chuckles at the reactions that follow. The guys are really bummed out and Eiji suggests they sacrifice some of Kawamura's sushi to the gods for good will.

Her smile falls when she realizes that their first doubles match once again will follow up closely after the matches with the change of schedule. Eiji will have it rough for sure. Maybe she can step up her game?

She's snaps out of her thoughts when a weight lands her. "Oi Karupin! You've gotten heavier." she complains, sitting up to put the cat in her lap instead of her stomach.

Smiling she cuddled the fluffy cat. "So soft~." she coos, receiving an annoyed meow in return before he quickly scrambles away. "Hey! You want my affection or not?!" she calls after him. Cats are so fickle.

"Ryumi?" a voice calls from the doorway questioningly as Nanako appears.

"Oh, Nanako. Did I disturb your studying with my yelling? Sorry about that." Ryumi quickly apologizes.

Nanako smiles calmly. "Not really, I was just taking a break." she reassures her cousin.

"What?" Ryumi asks with trepidation, seeing the look forming on Nanako's face. It's borderline scary with how gleeful she looks.

Nanako darts closer, jumping on the bed next to Ryumi. "I just want to talk." she answers innocently, making Ryumi quirk a brow. "So... How is Kikumaru-kun?" she asks, taking Ryumi aback.

"Eiji? Fine I think. Why are you asking about him?" she blinks confusedly.

"Silly girl." Nanako scolds lightly. "Because you like him of course." she says pointedly, making Ryumi balk. That's the first time someone just threw it out there.

Ryumi feels herself run red. "N-Nanako!" she hisses in embarrassment.

Nanako chuckles in amusement. "You don't have to be shy. But I do wonder, what's keeping you from telling him? I can tell you've liked him for a while now. And I'm sure he likes you back."

Ryumi picks at her fingers nervously. "I... Yes, I've liked him for a while now." she admits quietly. "Eiji's really kind, caring and funny. But, I guess I'm just a little...shy." she explains.

"And a little afraid too." she adds. "I'm not a hundred percent sure if he likes me in that way or as just a friend. And if I say something, he might not want to be my friend anymore. I don't know what I would do without Eiji as my friend. He's been my backbone, my shoulder to cry on. He helped me so much in getting over my emotional scars." Ryumi sighs.

Nanako smiles sympathetically. "Well, I don't think you have to worry, but that's just me talking. It's the first time you've truly fallen in love right? So that can be a little scary." she says, her voice filled with understanding. "It's alright to take it easy and wait for him to prove to you that he really likes you if you feel uncertain."

Ryumi smiles slightly at Nanako's words. "Do you think he will?" she wonders. Or will she be waiting for naught.

Nanako nods resolutely. "For sure. Maybe he's a little shy and afraid too, but I can tell he's not going to let you walk away. He's a really passionate boy from what I've seen." she reassures Ryumi.

Ryumi smiles brighter before flinging her arms around her cousin. "Thanks Nanako. Just... don't tell anyone." she pleads.

Nanako laughs, returning the hug. "Girl's honor." she vows, before pulling away. "Let's watch a movie. I need to empty my head a little after all that reading I've done." she suggests.

"Sure." Ryumi nods. "What do you have in mind?"

Nanako gets another creepy look on her face. "Something scary~." she says before smiling again. "Let's ask Ryoma too."

Ryumi nods. "Okay, I'll go get him. You get the snacks ready?"


"Ahhhhh!" the woman on the screen yells in fright. The only other sounds beside the weather rampaging outside is the scrunching of food as the whole family has gathered in front of the TV.

Nanjiro chuckles suddenly. "Ne, kiddo. Are you shaking?" he asks teasingly, poking Ryoma with his foot who swats it away angrily.

"I'm not scared!" Ryoma huffs before ignoring his dad. His eyes are wide as he stares at the TV.

He jumps when the phone starts ringing, scowling as his dad chuckles behind him. "I'll get it." Ryumi calls, jumping up and rushing to answer it.

"Hello, Echizen residence." she says after picking up.

"Ah, Echizen-san." a voice sounds from the other side. It's the familiar voice of Ryuzaki sensei.

"Ryuzaki-sensei? What can I do for you, should I get Ryoma?" Ryumi asks.

She is answered by a chuckle. "No need. You're just the person I wanted to talk to. I'm going to need your help with something." she explains, making Ryumi grow curious. She nods and hums as she listens to Ryuzaki's idea.

"Can I count on you?" Ryuzaki asks finally.

Ryumi nods before remembering Ryuzaki can't see. "Yeah, of course. Sounds good to me."

"Alright. Then I'll see you tomorrow for the preparations. Oh, and just so you know, you will be participating too. No need to slack off." Ryuzaki tells the girl before hanging up.

Sorry it took me a while to post this chapter. I ran out of reserves and after my grandmother's passing, catching the flu and all that, I haven't gotten around to writing much.

I hope to find a moment on where I can write a couple of chapters in one go again. Right now, this is all I've managed sadly. But at least it's something right?

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now