Part 41

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"Fuji." Fuji adds, making the pair look at him with raised brows. "What?" the boy asks innocently.

Ryumi huffs out a breath of air. "I'm shaking. There are months of play wanting to come out at once. I feel like I'm going to burst." she says, looking at her trembling hands.

Eiji drops his hands into hers, gripping them. "That's good nya! Let's burst together. I'm so excited!" Eiji grins, jumping from one foot to the other.

Ryumi smiles up at him. He's in an especially good mood today. It helps that Seigaku made it past the semi-finals of the Kanto regional tournament the day before.

Fuji chuckles. "It'll be fine. You two are ready. Saa, I'm feeling a bit proud actually." he tells them, looking away.

"You're not going to get all emotional on us are you?" Ryumi asks carefully.

"Hey, hey! After we nail this, why not go do something together, just us, the three musketeers!" Eiji offers.

"Sure." Fuji agrees, "But first things first Eiji." he reminds his friend.

"Right. Let's get to the court." Ryumi motions before they make their way over. "Ah, they're all here!" she exclaims surprised when they get there. The whole team is there, including Eiji's sister.

"Hi Ryumi-chan!" Hanako waves, a gesture she happily returns.

"Senpai!" two voices call from next to the regulars and Eiji and Ryumi look to see Tomoko and Sakuno holding up a banner. They drew chibi's of the pair.

Ryumi scratches her neck nervously at all the attention. She's not used to this anymore. "We'll do our best." she nods as they are called to step into the court. Fuji joins them, seeing as he acts as their coach.

They look over to the other side of the court and are surprised to see a familiar face. "Otori-kun?"

"Oh! Ryumi-san, Kikumaru-san!" he exclaims surprised. "I heard you were competing, but I didn't expect to see you in the qualifications. This will be tough nee-san." he smiles, turning to the shorter girl next to him. Her eyes match his, but her hair is darker.

"Eh? How cool is that Cho-kun!" she gasps. "I'm Miya, I play with my little brother for fun sometimes. Please be gentle!" she introduces.

"You're sure to be tough if you can keep up with your brother Miya-san. Let's do our best." Ryumi tells her, receiving a thumbs up.

"Up for qualification, Echizen and Kikumaru pair versus Otori pair. One set match. Otori to serve." the umpire calls after they've gotten into position.

Eiji looks back at Ryumi over his shoulder, nodding. Ryumi smiles with determination, returning the nod. "Let's do this Eiji."

Choutarou gets ready to serve, making Ryoma hold his breath. Can his sister take on his Scud serve?

"I'm going all out, for my big sis!" Choutarou calls, indeed serving his Scud serve.

"I've got it!" Ryumi calls, bracing herself. But she isn't quite prepared for the force behind it. Her racket goes flying. "15 – love."

She quickly retrieves her racket, flexing her wrist. So that is how it feels... "Sorry Eiji. I'll get it next time." Ryumi apologizes.

"Yosh! Keep a tight grip Ryumi-chan!"


"Here it comes." Choutarou warns, tossing the ball up high. It soon comes hurtling Ryumi's way, whose eyes flash as she locks on.

With both hand she takes a backhand swing. The racket shakes before steadying and she forces the ball back into the other court. She hears a few murmurs on the side.

Miya is there to catch it, going for a smash, but Eiji is ready. "Hoi hoi!" he calls, smashing the ball back in-between their opponents. "15 – all."


"1 game to love!"

Ryumi sighs. Choutarou kept his service game, but just barely. Now it's her turn to serve and she's not afraid to dish out.

"Let's take all of this game Eiji." she tells het partner, who nods, knowing what she'll do.

Ryumi serves, making it look simple enough, but... "Here is comes." Oishi breathes.

A rally starts alternating between her and the siblings. "Cho-kun, I can't steer it into another direction!" Miya gasps in realization.

"Tezuka-zone?" her brother muses before returning the ball. It too doesn't go where he wants it, but it doesn't return to Ryumi either.

"Incoming!" Eiji calls, ready for the ball, once again smashing it into the opposite court.

Choutarou gapes at the spot the ball smashed into for a moment before smiling again. "Not quite the same, but very effective. These two are well put together."

Ryumi continues this for the entirety of her service game, keeping ball control until an opening reveals itself for Eiji, making sure her gets it. There are no points for the Otori's in this round.


"I'm taking this!" Miya calls, lobbing the ball before watching in surprise as suddenly Ryumi dashes forward. She's been on the back the whole game. What is she doing?

Eiji quickly turns, crouching and putting his hands together. "Up you go!" he grins, giving Ryumi a boost.

The Seigaku regulars gasp as she is lifted up high, her racket reflecting the sunlight. "Flare smash!" Ryoma gasps in recognition.

"Aaah!" Ryumi shouts as she puts all her power behind the smash. It rams into the opposite court before shooting off like lightning past Choutarou and lodging itself into the fence behind him.

"Nee-san!" Ryoma calls worriedly as his sister drops back to the ground. She is leaning too far back.

Fuji smiles. "Eiji's got this."

Eiji braces himself, opening his arms. "Oof!" Ryumi huffs as she lands perfectly in them.

Tomoko, Sakuno and Hanako squeal, hearts in their eyes. In their mind they can picture Eiji in a princely costume, striking a pose while cradling a princes Ryumi.

"Gotcha!" Eiji breathes in relief before grinning widely. Ryumi laughs, happy that it worked out so well.

"6 games to 4! Echizen, Kikumaru pair wins!" the umpire calls.

"Eiji, we did it!" Ryumi laughs.

"Hoi hoi! We did!" he laughs with her, twirling around before losing his footing, making them crash to the ground. They look a bit dazed before they continue laughing, not even noticing the cheers.

"Jeesh, they're all for theatrics." Momo scoffs before grinning.

"Sorry nee-san. Looks like we got bested at this." Choutarou states, not losing his smile.

"Too bad, but I had fun with my otouto." she smiles back. "Looks like they had fun too." she muses, looking back at the pair still on the ground.

"Celebration at my place!" Kawamura calls.


Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now