Part 33

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"Go Golden pair!" Ryumi cheers along side the first year students that are tagging along as Eiji and Oishi participate in a game of volleyball.

Today is club mix day and everyone can participate in a club of their interest as long as it's not their own on a day like this. The dynamic duo went for volleyball. They play together just like they would in tennis.

Quickly they force their way to victory, but that isn't surprising anyone. By then Fuji has joined them.

As the first years hurry over to watch baseball next, Fuji turns to Ryumi. "Saa, Ryumi-chan. What will you be doing today?" he wonders as Eiji and Oishi walk up to them.

Ryumi grins, giving him the peace sign. "I'm giving you three guesses."

"Hm?" he muses, thinking it over. "Chess?" he guesses, making her chuckle.

"Try again."

"Bow shooting. I can see you doing that." Eiji butts in, happy to play the guessing game.

"Nope." she answers.

"Well." Oishi starts, "Maybe I'm being obvious, but you're not in the tennis club..." he tries, but Ryumi shakes her head.

"I'm up after lunch. If you guys want to find out, meet me after." she tells them with a wink before waving them goodbye, leaving them guessing.


"Swimming huh?" Oishi muses as he watches Ryumi step up alongside the other girls, dressed in a blue swimsuit and tugging her hair away in a cap.

"Interesting..." Inui mutter, taking notes before his notebook is snatched away by Eiji who swings it at the back of Momo's head, who he found to be gawking a little too much.

"Itai! Eiji-senpai!" the junior complains as Kaidoh watches in amusement, barely able to suppress a blush at seeing all these girls in swimsuits. He tries to look everywhere but at them.

"Don't look at your senpai like that!" Eiji warns, making Momo sink into himself, mumbling.

"Mh? You don't think Ryumi-chan looks pretty Eiji?" Fuji taunts, making him grow red.

"That's not the point!" he defends himself, making Fuji chuckle.

"Please quiet down." Kawamura urges them, seeing several girls glare their way at their rowdiness. He looks around apologetically.

At the sound of the whistle, the girls shoot forward, diving into the water before using the butterfly stroke to hurry to the other end of the pool. Ryumi is doing pretty well.

"Go Ryumi-senpai!" Sakuno cheers as the five inseparable first years join the regulars in watching.

Finally she comes in third, receiving compliments from some of the other swimmers. "Ryumi seems to have a lot of experience in swimming." Inui notes, now having repossessed his notebook.

Fuji nods. "It's part of her rehabilitation. Two hours each week."

Eiji sighs. "Now I feel like going swimming. It's hot today." he moans, fanning himself.

"Let me cool you off." a voice interrupts before a large wave of water comes their way, making them jump away, though Kaidoh and Momo run into each other, receiving the full brunt after.

"Ryumi-chan~!" Eiji complains, shaking out his hair from the few droplets that settled in there.

She laughs as she gets out of the pool, taking her towel from Sakuno. "You asked for it. Huh? Eiji, what are you doing?" she asks frightfully as he suddenly grins mischievously.

She backs away as he stalks towards her before trying to make a dash for it, but Momo's in her way. She squeals as she feels a pair of arms wrap around her from behind, Momo quickly taking hold of her feet.

"One... Two... Three!"

"Aaah!" Ryumi screams as she goes flying before being swallowed by the water. She surfaces, sputtering. "You jerks!" Momo and Eiji high five each other, pleased with their work.

"Jeesh." Ryumi grumbles as she tries to get out of the pool again. "At least give me a hand you two." she scolds.

They each reach out a hand and she takes a firm grip around their wrists before quickly setting her feet against the edge and pushing off with all her strength. "Waaah!"

Two splashes follow and Ryumi quickly climbs out with Fuji's help before she has to face their wrath. "Have fun boys!" she winks, throwing the two drenched tennis players an air kiss before hurrying to the changing rooms.

"How did you fall for that?" Kaidoh asks Momo as he crawls onto dry ground.

"Do you want to have a go Viper?!" Momo rebukes, making Kaidoh hiss in return.

"Try and see what happens." he threatens back.

Fuji chuckles. "Are you okay Eiji?" he questions the boy who looks more like a drowned cat.

"Fresh!" he calls out, shivering.

Oishi quickly hands him a towel. "Dry up before you get a cold. You too Momo." he tells the two of them.

"Whaaa! I'm cold Oishi! Hug me!" Eiji complains, scooting closer to his friend who quickly backs up before breaking out into a run as Eiji follows in pursuit. "Just a little bro-hug Oishi!" he laughs evilly.

"No way!"


After they're all cleaned up and dry, the day is nearly drawing to an end. They all gathered in the gym to take witness of Fuji's chosen sport, including Ryoma who finished his Ping-Pong match with success.

They all watch silently as Fuji pushes the stone towards its destination, a bit taken aback.

"I see, curling." Ryoma muses.

"Why Fujiko?" Ryumi asks him dumbfounded. "There is no one here but you."

"Exactly." he states with a happy smile. "Victory is mine."


The onlookers all sigh in unison, knowing they'll be here for a while longer watching the most boring game of curling the world has ever seen.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now