Part 30

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They made it. Eiji and Momo ended up winning because Eiji took his place as the game-maker, supporting Momo from the baseline. Because of him, Momo was able to shine at the net with his jumps. It was something Oshitari and Muhaki couldn't adapt to.

"Thanks for the support, thanks very much." Momoshiro tells the flag-waving duo as they reach them.

"Anytime." Ryumi laughs before stumbling at the weight of the flag and straight into Eiji. "Ah, sorry! It's so heavy." she apologizes while he puts her upright again with a smile while Momo quickly takes the flag from her.

"That's okay, nya." Eiji assures her, pulling her to him with one arm, making her moan and whine that he's sweaty, struggling to get away from the unrelenting redhead. Oishi smiles knowingly as he watches the two banter with each other.

"Eh?" Ryumi suddenly starts, making Eiji halt. "Did my otouto ran off again?" she wonders, not seeing Ryoma anywhere. "He's always so rude to not watch his senpais play." she complains.

"Don't mind him. Sakuno-chan went after him. It'll be okay, that it will." Momo grins, making Ryumi grin in return.

"Love!" they call out in unison, reading each other's minds. They snicker at Ryoma's expense, making Eiji bounce up and down excitedly at the juicy gossip and Oishi sigh and scratch his head, feeling awkward.

Their attention is drawn back to the court when the students from Hyotei start back up their cheering after having remained frightfully silent after the loss of Oshitari and Muhaki. They see Shishido and Ootori step into the court.

"Next up will be Inui and Viper huh?" Momo muses, narrowing his eyes at the two.

"That's right." Oishi nods. "They two will have their first go as doubles partners."

"Inui must have formed a strategy by now. He will make good use of Kaidoh's strength. Let's hope it does the trick." Ryumi speaks up before sitting down, ready to watch another match that is surely to be an exciting one.


"I don't want to watch!" Eiji wines as he observes another obliterating move from the opposing team.

"They're really tough. Unbelievable." Ryumi breathes. She especially didn't think the good-natured Ootori to be so relentless in a game. And she has rarely seen anyone with the determination that Shishido carries. Not even Kaidoh's new and improved Boomerang snake can compete with that.

"Game and match to Hyotei, 6 to 3!"

A roar of cheers erupts from the Hyotei students.

"That's a shame." Fuji sighs, resting his chin in his hand. It was an exciting match though. Anyone can agree on that.

"Yeah." Oishi agrees. "But they've both grown a lot."

"Taka-san." Ryumi calls, making the tall boy look up. "We'll be rooting for you now." she declares, making him nod shyly as he gets to his feet, obviously feeling the weight that is on his shoulders.

"Everyone..." he starts. "If we lose now, the seniors will have to retire right?" he muses. "But..." he continues, grasping hold of the flag with one hand.

"Taka-san! That's impossible with one hand!" Oishi warns, but the other boy doesn't listen.

"But... It's not over yet!" Kawamura calls, lifting the flag up high with just one hand, making everyone's eyes widen. He has really been working hard to become stronger. Even Hyotei's students are impressed as they murmur between themselves.

"Het hey! It's bad dane!" a voice calls from the top of the bleachers, making them look back to see Yanagisawa from St Rudolph is the one who spoke up. Beside him stand Yuuta.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now