Part 48

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Ryumi checks her gear. After acclimatizing for a week to the familiar scenery of her old hometown, the day has come to step onto the court to face the person that has been haunting her dreams quite often lately.

Her mind has been whirling around the different scenario's that could be played out in the near future. Although trying not to get herself worked up, she can't help but fear a little for what will happen on the court once she faces June. Will she really hate her still?

She reaches out; fingering the lucky charm Eiji gave her months earlier. What she wouldn't give for one of his pep-talks right now.

Ryumi sighs. Their goodbye was so difficult she remembers. Although she is sure to see him and everyone else again in due time, she never expected to take it so hard. They all had come to the airport to see her off. Their kindness made her cry. Those Seigaku boys, they're really something else...

Taking a final deep breath to calm her nerves, she gets to her feet, picking up her bag. She can't afford to get sentimental right now. She needs to play to her best capabilities and prove herself to June, her friends, family and also herself.

The door to the locker room opens to reveal her big brother. "It's time kiddo." he nods, his eyes peering at her with a sense of calm. He always manages to keep his head cool when hers feels like a tornado just went through it. Ryumi is grateful that he's here to keep her on track.

She walks up to him before pausing in front of him. "Pre-match hug Ryoga-nii?" she asks, holding out her arms, making him smirk.

"Always." he chuckles, pulling his little sister into his arms.

They squeeze each other tightly before letting go. Ryoga gives her a final pet on the head. "You'll do good." he encourages her, making her nod timidly. If only was so sure of herself as he was of her.

Together they step into the hallway leading towards the court. They can hear the bustle as the seats have filled up to the max. This match has gotten a lot of publicity and people are eager to see the former friends duke it out again. Some are, no doubt, hoping for a piece of drama.

Ryoga steps out first, making for the bench from here he'll coach her, leaving Ryumi to step up to the edge of the court.

She turns her focus on the girl on the other side of the net and she fights the urge to avert her eyes as June's eyes find hers. What is going through her head?

The crowd hushes as they watch the two teenage girls stare openly at each other, watching with bathed breath for a bomb to burst.

But...Ryumi can't feel it. There is no tension to be found as they both assess each other in curiosity and with worry. A realization comes to them at the same time; they have been worried about each other. They missed each other.

A small smile starts to play on June's lips, making Ryumi let out the breath she has been holding. They're okay.

Ryumi returns the smile, feeling her muscles relax as the last bit of stress slips from her body, making her feel light.

Yeah, she's ready to play.


They both breathe hard as the ball rolls out of the court, the final call being made by the umpire.

Ryumi drops her racket, having waited for the end of the match to do what she wanted to do two hours earlier when she first saw her friend's smile.

Seeming to read her mind, June drops her racket as well and they both run up to each other, meeting at the net where they swing their arms around each other.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now