Part 47

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I'll be skipping ahead for a bit. I find it hard to write matches and that has been keeping me from continuing this story. I hope to actually finish this story instead of getting stuck somewhere, because I still have what I find some cute stuff to write on Eiji and Ryumi.So that is the plan. Please enjoy.

For someone who just won the Kanto championship, Eiji isn't looking all too happy. The reason is obvious as he rolls up the newest edition of Pro Monthly's Tennis and wringing his hands around it.

Ryumi swallows the lump in her throat, not sure what to say after her explanation of her accepting her childhood friend's challenge. She will be leaving for an uncertain amount of time. After much discussion and thought, she decided she could not wait for long and the date was set.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to finish doubles with you Eiji." she finally decides to apologize seeing how Eiji is subconsciously trying to murder the magazine in his hands. He must be angrier than she expected him to be.

Eiji blinks in surprise, finally turning his head to face her and she can't help but frown at the sight. Is he going to... cry?"

"Eiji?" she breathes.

He releases a breath, blinking a few times to hide his apparent sadness. Throwing the magazine aside he whips up a smile. "It's great! Finally you have the chance to set things straight huh?" he exclaims, but Ryumi isn't buying it.

"Eiji, it's okay to be upset for me leaving the match. I understand." Ryumi tells him quietly, feeling guilt eating her up slowly.

Eiji's smile falls for a much sadder one, one that holds no grudge, but is filled with pain nonetheless.

"It's not the match that I care about. Sure, it would be fun to become champions together, but...." he looks away from her to gaze at the view before them. They gathered on top of the very container where he can be often found sorting his thoughts or hanging out with Oishi.

"Missing you is worse." he finally manages to spit out, red starting to dust his cheeks.

Ryumi matches his sad smile at the admission. "I'll miss you too Eiji." she confesses, following his gaze as they sit in silence for a while.

Finally Ryumi decides to lie on her back, watching the clouds drift passed. It's not long before Eiji joins her in her activity. "That one looks like tennis ball." he points out this nearly round cloud, making Ryumi laugh.

"It could be any ball. You just live and breathe tennis don't you?" she laughs, bumping his shoulder with her own.

Eiji smiles, happy to hear her laugh. "Not all the time." he admits, glancing at her. Not when he's thinking of her. He feels his heart beat uncomfortably hard, but something in him decided to kick him into gear.

He inconspicuously reaches out his fingers, searching.... He bumps into her hand that lies by her side. Suddenly scared witless he goes to snatch his hand back, but to his surprise Ryumi's fingers curl around his before he can do so.

Swallowing hard he looks over to find Ryumi looking back at him shyly. Releasing the breath he was holding he smiles, hiding her nervousness and shifting their hands so their fingers now interlock fully.

She smiles in return and both turn their gazes back up the clouds, feeling a sense of accomplishment rush over them, like they just crossed a major hurdle.


"Hello? Eiji? I'm coming in!" Ryumi calls, stepping into the house. "Your sister called and said you were sick and at home and alone-... what are you doing?" she wonders, seeing Eiji rushing through the house like a whirlwind. He looks far from being ill.

"Ryumi!" he calls excitedly, rushing up to her and planting his hands on her shoulders. "Listen carefully..." he pants while she blinks at him in confusion.

"I won!"

"Err... won what exactly?" she questions, growing more confused.

"The Chocolates! The Chocolates are coming here Ryumi-chan!" he exclaims desperately, shaking her while her eyes widen in realization.

She gasps. After all those hours of listening to music together they came to the agreement that the Chocolates belonged to one of their favorite groups. "Eiji!" she squeals.

"I know right?! Surprise! Surprise!" he cheers in glee as they jump up and down excitedly.

"Wait. You knew I would come?" Ryumi questions after getting over the initial shock.

Eiji nods. "Of course. I knew Hanako would tell you I would be sick and you would come over, because that is just the kind of person you are." he smiles. Ryumi can't help but blush at that. He really knows her through and through.

"My family went to the beach and I pretended to be sick and I convinced them to leave me on my own at home. So today is just us and the Chocolates." he winks, making her smile brightly. "See it as my gift of goodbye before you go next week."

"You're too sweet Eiji." she compliments, making him scratch his head in embarrassments.

Suddenly Ryumi looks alarmed. "Oh, do I look okay? I don't want to look like a sack of potatoes when meeting big stars like them." she mutters insecurely.

She stops fidgeting when Eiji pats her head affectionately. "Don't worry. No one shines brighter than Echizen Ryumi." he states, making her laugh embarrassedly.

"Eiji." she scolds playfully taking his hand from her head before their eyes lock on to each other and they take notice of their closeness, making both their hearts race.

Eiji licks his lips nervously. "I messed up your hair a little." he states softly, reaching out and tucking back the few strands that stuck out. He finishes with a final brush through her hair with his fingers. "All pretty again." he breathes looking into her eyes.

Did he just come even closer?

Suddenly the doorbell rings, startling them out of their thoughts and startling them into each other's arms. "It's them!"


The day turned out to be quite unexpected. Instead of the Chocolates, the whole team of regulars barged in and they ended up celebrating Momo's belated birthday until Eiji finally came clean with what their true plans were, just in time before the Chocolates did show up.

Letting out a tired breath, Eiji sinks into the couch once everyone left but Ryumi. "That didn't go as planned." he pouts. "I'm sorry Ryumi-chan." he apologizes.

"Don't be sorry." she tells him dressed in her new shirt she had gotten from the Chocolates, are actually Eiji since he gave it to her after receiving it from the Chocolates. "I had a lot of fun."

"Really?" he wonders hopefully, blinking up at her.

She nods resolutely. "Of course. I couldn't have asked for more." she assures him. "I realized... this is the last time we all got to hang out together like this for a long while." she suddenly sniffs, making Eiji jump to his feet.

"Ryumi..." he breathes worriedly.

She smiles through the tears. "It was really nice."

Eiji smiles sadly before stepping closer and enveloping her into a hug. It was all she imagined a hug from Eiji would be. Just wrapped up in a cocoon of warmth and safety. It was the cherry on top of the cake.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now