Part 35

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Ryumi crosses the street absentmindedly before climbing the staircase. Reaching the practice wall, she dumps her bag onto a bench close by before taking out her racket and a ball.

It's quiet around as she starts practicing on her own, alternating between using her backhand and her forehand.

A flutter in the corner of her eyes makes her throw a quick glance at the folder sticking out of her bag for a moment before returning back to practicing before she loses the ball.

Doing this repetitive swing practice makes her able to think about what she discussed earlier with coach Ryuzaki. It's a lot to think about....

"Echizen, follow me to my classroom for a minute." coach Ryuzaki urges her, making her and Ryoma share a look before Ryoma starts following after her.

"The other one!" Ryuzaki calls before disappearing around the corner.

Another shares look and a shrug. "I'll see you later chibisuke." Ryumi tells him, pulling his cap over his eyes before sauntering after the coach, hearing him grumble.

Once inside, she steps up to the window seeing the courts below. The students are all busy practicing while the regulars are running laps around the court.

"Here, take a look at this." Ryuzaki says, making Ryumi look over to see her holding out a red folder.

Ryumi eyes the cover, blinking in surprise at the flashy words greeting her. "Intersexual doubles preliminaries?" She looks up at Ryuzaki with question in her eyes.

"It's an experimental competition brought to life to bring boys and girls tennis closer. I though it might interest you." she explains as Ryumi looks through the pages.

"Is this because of the doubles I played with Eiji? How do you know it isn't just a fluke?" she wonders.

Ryuzaki nods. "Ah~. Let's say I received some good data. It may not be what you'll eventually go for, but I think it might be a start. Plus, you'll help setting a new branch of the sport on the map." she explains with an easy going smile.

Ryumi glances outside towards Eiji, the one she knows she'll feel comfortable playing with no matter what. "He's a bit busy isn't he? I don't think I can bother him with this right now." she mutters, chewing on her lip.

"Why don't you let him decide? Think about it." Ryuzaki urges gently.

Ryumi nods slowly. "I'll think about it."

Her phone ringing breaks her out of her revere and she catches the ball before walking over to her bag. She fishes out her phone. "Moshi moshi."

"Ryumi-chan, it's a date." Inui's voice comes from the other side, making her blink in surprise.


"Will you meet me at the ice parlor that serves your favorite sunday? We can follow them from there." he rattles, making her sigh.

"Sorry Inui. Not right now. Have fun though." she offers before hanging up on him.

From the other side of the line, Inui looks at his phone in question. "Odd." Normally he can bribe her to join him on spying on other people's business for ice cream. He'll give Eiji a try.

With another sigh, Ryumi slings her racket over her shoulder only to find her spot occupied.

"Oi!" she calls indignantly at the boy.

"You snooze, you lose." is the reply she receives.

"Are you always this rude, Rikkaidai Fuzoku's Kirihara-kun?" she shoots back, shifting her stance, not deterred by the boy.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now