Part 46

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The sound of crickets is abundant on this summer night. Ryumi sits outside on the gravel covering the floor of the practice court. Today they finally got their rackets back. She could tell she gained strength, as her racket feels lighter than usual.

She hugs it close to herself, deep in thought. That e-mail has been on her mind for the past few days. What is she going to do? It's so hard to make a decision.

The crunching beneath shoes gets her attention and she looks up when a long shadow casts over her caused by someone blocking the lights outside the lodge. Silently, her little brother sits down beside her.

After taking in the atmosphere he finally turns his gaze towards her, "You've been looking really serious for the past two days nee-san." he notes with a hint of worry. "Why is that?" he questions.

Ryumi releases a long breath, staring off into the distance, but manages to find her voice, "It's about June." she starts, making him lean forward in interest.

"Shiba showed me something, a message that June wants posted in the Monthly's Pro Tennis. It's a challenge." she explains as calmly as she can, but inside her there is turmoil.

Ryoma's eyes widen in surprise and Ryumi continues. "She took notice that I started to play again and wishes a rematch, 'When you're ready for it' she wrote." she finishes with a sigh.

"What do you want to do?" Ryoma asks quietly, knowing this weighs heavy on his sister's heart.

Ryumi clutches even tighter onto her racket as if it brings her comfort. "I'm not sure what she'll be like after what happened. How she'll act towards me, but... I want to see her again. And hopefully get my friend back. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I still hope you know? Maybe there is this tiny chance..."

"Hm." Ryoma hums silently. "Then that's what you have to do."

Ryumi smiles warily, "I guess so huh? Then I had better work hard. I don't want to disappoint."

"And starting now is as good as a time as any." Ryoma tells her, whipping his racket out.

Ryumi laughs. "Eager aren't you chibisuke? But okay. I hope you're ready." she smiles down at him as they get to their feet.

He smirks back at her, looking confident. "Always."


Full of energy, that is how she feels. How does she still have it after that biathlon of this morning?

"Syusuke you jerk. Are you going easy on me?" Ryumi asks from the other side of the court. They decide to have a little practice round together. Some others had the same idea, while others either rest or do different exercises.

"I assure you I'm not Ryumi-chan. Guess you've just improved more than you expected." Fuji smiles kindly.

Ryumi raises a brow. "Oh? Really?" she muses before taking notice of something peculiar. "Hyotei?"

"Pay attention!" Fuji calls, making her snap her head back to see a ball rushing at her.

"Oi!" she shouts indignantly, not happy that Fuji caught her off guard. Reaction time being shortened, she has few options.... "Pulsar dash!"

Combining a split step with a powerful backhand, she manages to return the ball in the nick of time. Fuji catches the fastball with his racket, but returns it into the net.

He chuckles. "You have a mean backhand Ryumi-chan. You still manage to manipulate returns like that, very well done. Looks like you really took that Tezuka zone and made it your own." he compliments, making the girl smile.

"I'd like to think as the Tezuka zone as a galaxy, gravity attracting everything to its core with balance to steer all inside on a proper course, but I'm a black hole. I suck it all up and I'll never let you know where it all goes." she chuckles.

"Interesting analogy. Now what were you saying about Hyotei?" Fuji asks, turning around and also seeing the group of boys that have exited the bus. It seems Ryuzaki brought them here.

"This is going to be an interesting afternoon."


And it really turned out to be. Both teams have grown a lot and it shows. Ryumi learned that especially her little brother is not even close to reaching his full potential. She wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being the one to surpass their dad first.

"Atobe-san." Ryumi calls as the boys of Hyotei prepare to leave after the invigorating training session.

He looks up surprised, turning his sharp gaze on the girl. He smirks, "Echizen Ryumi, the girl with the sharp tongue." he hums. She hasn't exactly been taking it easy with him from the first moment they met. Even earlier today they found themselves stuck in banter.

Ryumi smiles in amusement. "No sharp words this time around. I want to say thank you." she tells him earnestly.

He perks a brow in interest. "Oh really?"

Ryumi nods. "Your match with Ryoma, you managed to help him improve greatly. But that was you intention wasn't it? To help him reach his potential."

He smiles smugly. "A potential not reached by a long shot, but you're right. They had better win those finals now, or they'll make us look bad."

"They'll be sure to win." Ryumi states, having ever been more certain about it.

Atobe nods. "I'm counting on it. Until next time, Echizen Ryumi." he bids his farewell, stepping onto the bus.

Ryumi smiles, shaking her head. That guy.... All that showmanship and such a tiny heart to go with it. Maybe she should stop calling him the Monkey King, just maybe...

Stepping away and watching the bus roll out, she realizes that this is officially the end of training camp. In just a few days, the guys will be up against their toughest opponents yet. But Rikkai Dai won't have it easy.

And after that... Well, doubles resumes she supposes. And once she grows confident enough, she will face the biggest obstacle yet... her past.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now