Part 22

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"Thanks again Fujiko." says a tired looking Ryumi as she packs away her things.

This is about the third time he helped her practice as he kept his word of helping her after the prefecturals are over. As she expected, he is a tough teacher, but looks out for her as well. When he tells her it's time to stop, she is sure to listen.

She tried to protest and prolongate the session the first time and Fuji made it clear that he was in charge. She still gets the shivers when she remembers the look she received.

"No problem. Saa, how do hide the fact that you practice? I assume you still wash those clothes." he chuckles, nodding at her shirt and shorts. She has discarded her brace recently, only wearing it now when her knee feels strained. A large pink scar is sitting prominently on her skin.

She nods. "I wash them at a Laundromat and afterwards I take my bag to the locker at the bus station near our home." she explains, making Fuji's smile widen, impressed.

"I'll be running off now. My sister wanted to go out for dinner today. I heard she had some news to tell us." he says after putting his own things away.

Ryumi's eyes widen in wonder. "Ne, do you think she found a nice boyfriend?" she questions. "Your sister is so pretty, it's a wonder she's still single."

Fuji chuckles. "Saa, who knows? I'll see you tomorrow at school." he nods and she waves him off before turning to the locker rooms so she can freshen up. She can't show up at home reeking of sweat.

She quickly showers before putting on her school uniform. She then rushes from the locker room to head home before anyone Ryoma is home before she is. They made it so that they leave the house together before parting ways so they can each practice or him meet up with Momo. If they arrive home together afterwards, their parents and Nanako won't question what she really has been up to.

She really thought of every detail to keep them in the dark.

"Oh! Excuse me." Ryumi apologizes after her breath is knocked out of her after accidentally bumping into someone in her haste.

She looks up to meet the face of an unknown boy and he is looking down on her rather grimly. Beside him stands another unknown boy, both dressed in sportswear.

"Look out where you're going next time." the boy she bumped into snarls harshly, making her frown.

"Jeez. I told you I'm sorry." she huffs in reply, looking up in surprise when the other boy picks up something from the ground. Her eyes widen to see her charm in his fingers. It must have fallen from her bag when she bumped into his friend.

She swallows hard, eyes focused on the charm. "Can I have that back please." she asks, making the other boy gaze at her before scoffing.

"Why should I give it to you? Is it even yours? I don't see any name on it." he sneers unkindly, making her grit her teeth.

"Yeah, besides, you were very rude." his friend agrees. "Maybe you can change our minds, for a little kiss." he smirks, stepping closer, making Ryumi grimace and step back in a hurry.

"I don't go around kissing slime balls." she can't help but spit out. "Now give it back to me. You saw it fall from my bag, you know it's mine!" she states, thrusting out her hand defiantly.

They frown in unison at the insult. The first guy turns to his friend. "Break it." he tells him, making his friend nod.

"Arn~. What's all this? Causing such a scene over such a simple charm." a voice interrupts, catching their attention.

They look over to see none other than Hyotei's captain Atobe Keigo and the tall second year regular that follows him everywhere he goes, Kabaji Munehiro. There is another tall boy with the two of them, known as Ootori Choutarou.

Atobe snaps his fingers. "Kabaji." he calls.

"Usu." the tall, broad boy replies stepping forward, making the two boys in front of Ryumi grow pale, breaking out a cold sweat. The one boy drown her charm to the ground before they both run off, yelling something about having other obligations.

Ryumi scowls after them before turning back around, only to jump to find Ootori towering over her. He must be as tall as Kawamura, or even taller. And he's not even a third year yet.

"Here's your charm back." he offers with a kind smile, having picked it up for her after the other guy dropped it.

Ryumi can't help but return the smile. "Thank you, Ootori-kun." she tells him, taking it from him happily. A light blush crosses his cheeks.

Before he can say anything else, Atobe cuts in once again. "Mh? You know him?"

Ryumi turns to him calmly. "Not personally, I've seen you guys play at the prefectural tournament." she explains, making him raise his brow, making him look even more arrogant than he usually does.

"Is that so?" he muses before noticing her uniform. "Seishun Gakuen eh? Mh, now that I think back, I recall having seen you hanging around the regulars. I didn't know them to have much of a fan base." he states, making her stare at him annoyed. That was an underhanded insult if she ever heard one.

"Are you calling them unpopular or unlikable?" she questions hotly.

Atobe smirks at that. "I mean nothing by it. After all, it is only better. Less people to disappoint when they lose in the regional championships."

Ryumi takes a deep breath to keep herself calm. Instead, she smirks in return. "That is rich, coming from the captain whose team only was able to enter after winning the consolation match. Are you trying to make yourself feel better by insulting the number one team?" she retaliates, momentarily wiping the smirk from his face.

"Now now. Let's keep things friendly yes?" Ootori tries to placate, feeling awkward standing in between the two.

"Nee-san!" a voice calls from a distance, making Ryumi look up to finds Ryoma striding his way over.

Atobe looks at the boy with slight surprise. "Arn. If it isn't the rumored first year regular, Echizen Ryoma." he muses.

Ryoma makes a point in ignoring him altogether, ticking him off. He only glances at Ootori in recognition since he's right beside his sister. "Nee-san, it's time to go home." he urges, signaling that he has come to look for her after she didn't show up where they were supposed to meet.

She nods, choosing not to react to the curious glances between her and Ryoma. "Right. Sorry about the delay. I'm ready to go now." she tells him.

"Oi!" Atobe calls out, not amused at all about being ignored.

Ryumi only turns back to Kabaji and Ootori. "Thanks for scaring those bullies away Kabaji-kun! Nice to have met you Ootori-kun!" she calls with a wave before spinning on her heel and following after her little brother who says nothing.

Ootori smiles, scratching his neck shyly with one hand while he waves with the other, while Kabaji only stares after her quietly. Atobe crosses his arms, peeved. "How dare they ignore ore-sama?" he grumbles.

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