Part 39

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"This is a cruel joke." Eiji complains, sitting down on the sand, hugging his tennis bag to him. "We came all the way to Chiba's beach for this extended training."

"We can't do anything about it if we can't find the all important hotel coupon." Kawamura explains, but looks also bummed out. He got the ticket from his family so they could practice by the beach and have some time to relax as well. Sadly, that ticket has been misplaced.

Ryumi looks around at the Seigaku tennis players, the freshmen girls and the trio that also were invited before turning her stare back to the ocean. Can't they go for a swim either way? She just bought a new bikini.

"I understand your situation." a voice speaks up making them turn towards an awfully familiar face.

Ryumi freezes. "What the heck is he doing here?" she asks Ryoma who looks just as startled to see their dad here of all places.

"What's with his face?" Ryoma wonders, seeing that his face ha been hidden under a wrap of bandages, safe for his eyes that are covered with sunglasses. Does he really think they won't recognize him?

"A mummy?" Sakuno asks scared.

"Who are you calling a mummy?" he counters.

"You are...?" Oishi starts.

Nanjiro points towards one of the stores lining the beach, called 'House of the Sea'. "I'm the manager of that store. We can haggle, but if you help me out with my store, I can cover for your hotel fee." he explains. "We're very short on help. I'll do it if you help me out. So please."

They look at each other before hesitantly agreeing. "Really! You'll help out! young kids who are like you are active are so rare." Nanjiro praises, pulling the guys into an awkward hug.

"He just wants to lazy around doesn't he?" Ryumi sighs, making her brother sigh.


"Does it kill you to wear an apron?" Ryumi complains to her brother as he just stands around while they serve crushed ice and other beverages.

"Possibly." he mutters, eying the bright pink cloth, making Ryumi sigh. Even his senpai are wearing them.

"Here you go Ryumi-chan." Oishi states, putting down three melon flavored ones on her tray. "For those guys over there." he motions.

"Alright." she sighs, sauntering over. "Here's your ice. Enjoy." she says without much enthusiasm. All she wants is to go for a swim.

"Ah~? Why are you looking so sour sweetheart? When do you get off? We can do something fun together." a tall brown-haired boy tries, flashing a bright smile.

"No thanks." Ryumi sighs, going to turn around until a hand clasps down on her wrist.

"Chill out. Here, have a little ice." he offers.

Ryumi stands stock still for a moment before turning to the high schooler with a smile. "Say, I find it much more fun to feed than to be fed." she says, taking the spoon from him.

The guy grins happily. "Alright."

Ryumi picks up a large scoop. "Say 'Ah'!" she yells, stuffing the spoon to far up his mouth that it nearly comes back out of his nose. "Better eat up before it melts!" she continues yelling, making his two friends look on disturbed as the boy struggles to get out of her grip.

Ryumi returns to the counter with a sigh. "Any more?" she wonders boredly.

"N-not right now." Oishi stutters, having witnessed the interaction and is left very disturbed. Everyone is looking at her like she's mad, all except for Eiji who is humming happily as he washes the dishes.

"What?" she wonders innocently.

Ryoma can't help but imagine how happy their dad would have been had he not ditched them.


"So...?" Ryumi breathes watching the disaster around them.

Kaidoh and Momo got into another fight. Kawamura tried to stop them, unable to until Eiji threw him his racket and then he basically destroyed the place and chased away all the customers.

One would think that is the end of it, but if you think that, you don't know Nanjiro Echizen.

He is quick to pull up a volleyball contest to attract public. If anyone wins from Ryoma and Kaidoh, they can eat for free and perhaps even win a vacation to Hawaii.

Ryumi wonders who will be covering those expenses. Is her old man even thinking this trough?

Soon they are serving drinks to the onlookers and the freshmen are sent off to gather new supplies.

At one point it seems Ryoma and Kaidoh are playing well-known players of the beach and old tennis rivals of Ryoma, but Ryumi can hardly pay attention seeing how busy she is being. This is not how she wanted to spend a day at the beach.

Of course Ryoma and Kaidoh won but by then the day was almost over. Seeing as not enough money was made to pay for a hotel, the teens were all forced to return home.

"Curses. My new bikini will be stuffed to the back of the closet with summer ending soon." Ryumi complains. "Perhaps I should rob my bank account and fly towards Hawaii." she muses, putting her finger to her chin.

"If only kids our age had that kind of money." Momo laughs before pausing at the pointed look Ryumi gives him. "Oi, can you take me with you senpai-chan?" he then grovels; knowing she indeed has some money pocketed somewhere.

"I'm not that wealthy." she points out, making Momo pout. "What I can do is threat you guys to ice cream."

"I'm okay with that." Momo consents, making the others nod.

"Shaved ice?" she suggests, pointing towards a shop further ahead, making everyone pause.

"No thank you." "I've seen enough shaved ice to last me a lifetime." "Err..."

Ryumi shrugs. "Alright, more for me then!"

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now