Part 42

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"Mmmh. This one." Ryumi muse, taking a sushi between her chopsticks. She takes a deep breath before stuffing it in her mouth.

She grins with a full mouth at the expectant looking crowd. "No wasabi. Your turn Inui." Eiji urges, sliding the tray to his teammate.

"The probability of one being a wasabi sushi is now thirty-three percent. A significant chance...." he mutters to himself, looking down at the tray in thought. "I'm going for this one." he decides.

The others laugh as they soon see him choking down one of the hottest sushi Kawamura ever created.

"Another Taka-san! We're going for round three!" Ryumi calls, having swallowed the sushi.

Kawamura smiles. "Alright. Another batch coming up!"

Eiji sighs happily as he leans his cheek on the table. Today worked out better than anyone would have thought before. He and Ryumi make a good team.

He looks over at the girl who is talking animatedly with Fuji, the smile never leaving his face. "Ne, Eiji. You're staring." his sister says, poking at him.

Eiji quickly looks away, blushing. "Was not." he whispers with a pout. Hanako giggles beside him, making him stick out his tongue at her.


"Ah~. I'm stuffed." Ryumi sighs, slinging her tennis bag over her shoulder before turning to Eiji and Fuji. "Ready to go see a movie?" she questions.

"Yes!" Eiji cheers. "The three musketeers go to the movies!"

"Mh? That sound like a comedy title." Fuji muses. "Let's go." he urges before suddenly doubling over. "Ouch!"

"You okay Fujiko?" Eiji asks worriedly.

"Stomach ache. I think I ate too much. I better get home quick." Fuji tells them.

"Want us to take you? We can see a movie another time." Ryumi offers, but Fuji quickly shakes his head.

"I'll be fine, you two go ahead." he urges.



The two gape after their friend. "He's quick." Ryumi breathes. "He must have it really badly."

"Sure..." Eiji drawls, silently cursing his friend in his mind. He's sure Fuji did this on purpose to leave hm on his own with Ryumi. He glances towards her, suddenly feeling nervous. "Do you... still want to go?" he asks carefully.

Ryumi nods. "Yeah. Why not? It's easier picking a movie with just the two of us." she smiles.

"O-okay. Let's go." Eiji laughs forcefully. Inside he's screaming. Why is he acting like such an idiot? This isn't a date!

He stiffly moves along, before freezing when an arm wraps around his. He looks down to see Ryumi smiling up at him. "Relax Eiji." she tells him gently, causing his stiff muscles to turn to mulch.

He laughs embarrassedly. "Sorry Ryumi-chan. It must be the adrenaline of the match wearing off. I'm just a bit tired." he quickly excuses.

"Oh? Would you rather go home instead?" she wonders.

Eiji quickly shakes his head. "No, no! I'd love to do something fun with you!" he exclaims before blushing, seeing her cheeks dust pink too. "I mean..."

"It's okay Eiji. Let's just take it easy." Ryumi states calmly, making him wonder what she actually means. Suddenly she grins. "I know! Follow me." she urges, taking the lead.

Eiji blinks in surprise before following. When Ryumi stops, a smile eases back on his face. "Awesome! Cat-café!"

Getting inside, they order a drink. Soon Eiji can't resist the temptation to crouch down to check out all the cats.

Ryumi smiles as she watches him pet and play with the different cats as they start to crowd around him. She quietly sips at her drink, feeling content. She's glad Eiji is feeling more relaxed.

"Ah! My shoe laces!" Eiji gasps, seeing a young cat tug on them. "Noooo!"

Ryumi can't help but laugh. Eiji's tennis shoes are like relics to him. You just don't scratch them. She quickly rushes over to safe him, distracting the cat with a toy.

"Ryumi-chan~." Eiji beckons, making her look up to see him taking a picture with his phone. She quickly flashes a smile.

"Let's take one together Eiji. We need to remember today." Ryumi suggests, making Eiji nod and scoot closer. They fumble to fit in the screen together and Eiji is ready to take the shot when one of the cats jumps on his shoulder.

Ryumi chuckles as she takes his phone, looking at the picture to see Eiji's startled face next to her smiling one. She quickly sends it to her own phone while Eiji is still struggling to get the cat off of him.

Clicking away the camera, Ryumi blinks down at the screen's backdrop. It's a picture of them both, taken by Fuji during a break of their practice together if she remembers right. It's a nice picture.

She can't help but blush. Eiji could have put up anything, but he chose a picture of them together.

"Oi oi little neko-chan~. You're a handful." Eiji muses, putting the cat down finally. Ryumi quickly shuts down his phone, returning it to him and pretending not to have seen.


"Mmmmh. Oh, that's a hard choice." Ryumi muses as they walk the city streets together. The sun is already setting. "Sundae's or chibisuke... They say a day without a Sundae is a day not living." she nods.

"Eh? I'm sure you just made that up." Eiji laughs.

Ryumi joins him. "It's a motto I live by. My aniki already came to terms that he comes in second place. Ryoma is still struggling though." she explains. "What about you?"

"Ah, well. I think I love my family a bit more than food, but it's a close call." Eiji nods seriously. "But I'd swap Hanako for my favorite toothpaste anytime!"

Ryumi snorts as she laughs. "Toothpaste? Really? Well, that explains why you've got such nice teeth." Eiji grins exaggeratingly at that, showing off his pearly whites.

They stop walking when they reach Ryumi's home. "Eiji, thank you for joining me in doubles. I know it takes a lot out of your time, but thanks to you I can pick up playing seriously again. I'm really grateful." Ryumi states seriously.

Eiji blushes embarrassedly. "I-it's really no problem. I enjoy playing with you. I-I suppose when there's tennis involved or you, I don't mind how I spend my time." he confesses as he tries hard not to look away, making her smile shyly.

"Well..." she drawls, shuffling her feet.

"Ah, so...." he too drawls.

"Oi." a low voice states suddenly making them shriek in fright, jumping into each other's arms.

"Do you kids have any idea what time it is?" the voice asks, making them look up to see a face peeking over the wall surrounding Ryumi's house.

"Old man! Don't be a creep!" Ryumi scolds, kicking at the wall. Startled, her dad tumbles off of the crate he was standing on. They hear him yell profanities from the other side.

"That's your dad?!" Eiji balks; recognizing him from several times he's seen him, including the beach. He never guessed it was Ryumi's and Ryoma's dad. He feels so self-conscious all of a sudden.

"Yeah, sadly." Ryumi sighs, hearing a sound of protest come from her old man. "Sorry about that. I guess I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah. Of course!"

"Goodnight Eiji." she bids him goodbye with a quick hug, leaving his face red.

"Goodnight." he bids as well, watching her step inside the garden before some more yelling ensues. He smiles before turning around and making his way to the bus stop with a whistle. Today has been a good day for him.

Broken Strings (Prince of Tennis/ slow burn love story)Where stories live. Discover now