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liked by ellmoore, zendaya and 55,689 othersskyeblue: eight years on and i still miss you

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liked by ellmoore, zendaya and 55,689 others
skyeblue: eight years on and i still miss you. wish i knew what you looked like now :( ❤️

ellmoore: always here if you wanna come over and eat ice cream 💗
username: this is the third year in a row i've seen this exact post
camwillis: he's probably missing you too, skye
username: who is he?
username: @username when skye lived in england they were best friends but they didn't keep in touch when she moved away. she won't ever tell us his name.
username: @username oh okay, that's sad.
username: #findskyesfriend
username: #findskyesfriend
zendaya: he kinda looks like tom holland..

username: #findskyesfriendusername: #findskyesfriendzendaya: he kinda looks like tom holland

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liked by tomholland2013, zendaya and 26,894 others
samholland1999: eight years. missing you blue😭

tomholland2013: still not found her social media?
samholland1999: no results for her name @tomholland2013 :(
hazosterfield: you still hung up on her?
samholland1999: always bro @hazosterfield
username: #findsamsfriend
username: anyone find it coincidental that both sam and skye post this on the same day?
username: it couldn't be skye tho @username cos her friend isn't famous
zendaya: i'll message you later

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