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E!News: Skylar Harper's best friend found!
As many of us Skye Harper fans know, for eight years now she's been searching for her best friend from England. Skye moved was from the country when she was eleven, but wasn't prepared to leave behind her childhood friend. So, after eight years on the anniversary of Skylar moving away, through a connection with Zendaya, who Skylar once sung with, Skye found her best friend again. Over the past eight years, Skye had refused to name her friend, but now we can confirm him as Sam Holland; the younger brother of the Spiderman actor, Tom Holland. And, a possible romance may be brewing between the two. Where will that leave Cameron?
Come back Thursday for our interview with Skye!

what to read next:

Skye and Cameron together?!

Elsie Moore crushing on Cameron Willis?!

Skye Harper's World Tour


imessage conversation

sam— [samuel]
skye— [little blue]

hey skye?

[little blue]
hey sammy

you know my name isn't
actually samuel right?

[little blue]
ofc i do

okay good
catch me up on your
who's elsie? and who's

[little blue]
well, elsie is my best
friend— other than you
we met in freshman
the equivalent of your
year ten

so you had no
friends in year seven
eight or nine?

[little blue]
pretty much

and cameron?

[little blue]
i met cam when we
started doing music
together about a year
we dated for a while but..
that's done

oh okay..

how do you know

[little blue]
me and daya did a song
together when i was sixteen
and then we became really

i still can't believe
you've never seen any
of the new marvel films
with tom in

[little blue]
ik i'm sorryyyy
i'm so proud of him


[little blue]
don't get jealous
how's you and harry?
got anywhere yet?

well harry's directed
a couple of movies
my acting career is still
non existent
we just got back
from travelling around
the world

[little blue]
you still wanna be an
actor huh? and cool, i've
always wanted to travel

so, when you coming to
the uk?

[little blue]
well, my tour is set
for london next month
so i'll pop by ya know
saves me from booking
a hotel if i'm still

you're always welcome
my parents were so happy
to know that i found you
we all were
especially me

[little blue]
well i was glad i found you
and so was my dad

oh,uh yeah
any luck..
you know, with your

[little blue]
no, we still haven't found
seems like moving to america
was for nothing

no it wasn't
you got a great career
out of it
and new friends

[little blue]
i guess
look, i'd better go
my lunch is almost over

oh, okay
bye skye

[little blue]
bye sam ant


liked by zendaya, ellmoore and 76,543 others skyeblue: lunch breaks over and back to practice #worldtour#skyeoverseastagged: camwillis

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liked by zendaya, ellmoore and 76,543 others
skyeblue: lunch breaks over and back to practice #worldtour
tagged: camwillis

ellmoore: coming to the studio tomorrow! buzzed to hear the song!
skyeblue: see you soon @ellmoore 💞
username: can't wait for #skyeoverseas to come to england!
samholland1999: same @username
zendaya: can't wait to perform with you in cali bbs! @skyeblue
skyeblue: @zendaya buzzing!
camwillis: much love for the best singer i've ever heard❤️❤️
skyeblue: love you too❤️ @camwillis
username: do i sense a ship? #skameron
tomholland2013: @username you do, and so do i, but you spelt it wrong #samlar
username: oml tom
hazosterfield: damn sammy, he's pulling your girl better than you are
samholland1999: @tomholland2013 @hazosterfield stop


samholland1999: never been happier to have my best friend back in my life @skylarharper
  ↳username: aww, they should date
    ↳username: ^ rt
      ↳username: @username jeez calm down they only just found each other
        ↳skylarharper: aww thankyou sammy
          ↳username: oml she calls him sammy
            ↳tomholland1996: he's not the only one that's happy. but seriously skye, i've never seen him smile more @skylarharper
              ↳skylarharper: :) @tomholland1996

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