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holy hera; i only planned for this book to have like twenty chapters, but here we are, fifty chapters later

i honestly did not expect lots of things about his book; the number of chapters, how long it would take me, but also the number of reads, votes and comments you guys have given me

i remember looking through wattpad, finding not one sam holland social media fic, so i took it upon myself to make one

i'm not too sure how i feel about the outcome of this, but i think you guys are pretty pleased with it

so, some shoutouts to long term readers who really motivated me to keep on top of things

to my readers from the start; @katiegreen812 , @magconxsideman , @sorrydidntreallycare

to my spam of vote-ers;
@izzybella3 , @seaveysangsl

and to my dear friend JusioSusia , for not reading this book when i asked you not to
you may read ahead now; prepare to cringe

hopefully, this won't be the last i seen of you all

but, for now, it's bye from me, and bye from skye

𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄, sam holland  Where stories live. Discover now