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liked by skyeblue, samholland1999 and 1,829,298 others

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liked by skyeblue, samholland1999 and 1,829,298 others

camwillis: you can't take skye anywhere #parisshoppingtrip
tagged: skyeblue, samholland1999, ellmoore

samholland1999: 💗💗
username: more proof that skameron will prevail
username: it won't tho??? cos she's with sam?? @username
skyeblue: the french bread is good :((
ellmoore: the french bread is very good
username: pls adopt me
username: queen
hazosterfield: bring me back some french bread pls


liked by harryholland64, zendaya and 2,294,679 others

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liked by harryholland64, zendaya and 2,294,679 others

skyeblue: my beauty❤️
tagged: samholland1999

username: dear god, a relationship like this?? pls and thanks
harryholland64: looking good bro👊🏻
ellmoore: funny that, because he looks like you? @harryholland64
username: helsie.
username: HELSIEEEEE
camwillis: you started an uprising @ellmoore
username: skye deserves better
username: uh, no. @username
username: well, that's my opinion. @username
username: ding dong ur opinion is wrong @username
samholland1999: i love you 💓
skyeblue: i love you 💗 @samholland1999


samholland1999: Skye says hello to Berlin! She also asks why it has to be so cold. Please send coats and warm wishes. @skylarharper

↳username: what a cutie

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username: what a cutie

username: newsflash sweetie: it's cold here

harryholland1999: isn't that your coat?
samholland1999: why yes it is
skylarharper: i didn't prepare properly okay?

username: sam and skye are goals

tomholland1996: that look of discontent on skye's face is priceless
skylarharper: thanks.

username: major uwu vibes

username: what a bean

paddyholland2004: she's beginning to look like you, @harrisonosterfield , permanently moody
harrisonosterfield: cheers padster.
username: paddy is a savage

username: skye and haz actually look like siblings oml

username: conspiracies



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↳username: freaky deaky

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username: freaky deaky

viktorharper: give me a call tonight mi niña, we haven't spoken in ages!
skylarharper: will do padre! miss you 💙

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