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"It's true, isn't it?" Harrison swallowed.
"You're my sister."
Skye nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, Haz. I—"
"You're kidding, right?"
Skye held back tears. Sam stood up and instantly rushed to her side, grabbing her hand gently.
"Harrison.." Tom warned, but he continued.
"Sorry? Why are you sorry?"
Skye almost stopped breathing.
"W-what?" She stuttered, shocked.
"That's awesome!" Harrison beamed. "That's.. wow!"
"You're not mad?" Skye wiped a tear.
Harrison shook his head whilst making his way over to the girl.
"No, I'm not mad. I mean, the context of the situation isn't the best, but why reopen an old wound when I could celebrate? Now I have two awesome sisters!"
"We need to tell Charlotte." Skye laughed, sniffing. Sam wrapped an arm around his girlfriend.
"We could go see Phil and Alan now if you wanted? Haz?"
Haz nodded, pulling Skye into a hug.
"You ready?" He asked.
Skye hugged him again.
"Yeah. I'm ready."


liked by tomholland2013, skyeblue and 346,739 others

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liked by tomholland2013, skyeblue and 346,739 others

hazosterfield: for the first time ever, i can actually confirm that a rumour is true. now i have not one, but two beautiful, amazing, talented sisters. charlotte, and skye. i wish i'd have known sooner, but i'm glad to have you now. not sure how i didn't see it before to be honest, blue number two💙💙

username: my heart
zendaya: this is the sweetest thing i've ever read
username: omg yayayayay
username: am i dreaming?
lifeisaloha: aww haz is turning soft
hazosterfield: zip it @lifeisaloha
samholland1999: so proud of you skye😘
philosterfield: really happy to see you after eleven years, proud to call you my daughter xx @skyeblue
tomholland2013: knew you were annoying enough to be an osterfield @skyeblue
username: eww no way are they siblings
viktorharper: and you ignored my request, just like i knew you would. i'm so proud of you mija, and i hope now you get your happily ever after xx @skyeblue
skyeblue: i love you padre @viktorharper
charlottesparrowxx: finally, a sibling i can get along with x @skyeblue
username: happyhappyhappy
harryholland64: skylar harper-osterfield. i could get used to that.

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