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imagine the guy playing the guitar is cam pls and thanks

skylarharper: thankyou @cameronwillis 🧡

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snapchat conversation


[little blue💙]

can i ask you something?

[little blue💙]

[little blue💙]
not literally pls i don't wanna die


this is awkward


who was that song about tonight?

chat not saved!


Skye was shaking. Of all the shows she'd done, of all the interviews and live and real conversations with complete strangers, nothing scared her more than this.
As she hit send on the message requesting Sam to enter her room, Skylar set down her phone. She may or may not have just ruined their whole friendship.
Skye knew Sam liked her, like, really liked her, but she only had Elsie's word for it.
No, Skye thought. Elsie's my best friend. I can trust her on or with anything.
Suddenly, a knock on the hotel room door shocked Skye out of her doubts.
Swallowing her regret, the blonde answered the door.
Sam stood, leaned against the door frame. His almost red hair was swept over his freckled face in a way that Skye found absolutely adorable. His green-ey brown eyes sparkled.
"Come in,"
Skye stuttered, swinging the heavy wood fully open. Sam took one large, melodramatic step inside, before entering fully and sitting down on the tip of the girl's bed.
"Where's Elsie?"
Sam asked, not making eye contact with Skye but instead looking out at the view of Alabama glittering beyond the glass pane of the window.
Skye answered simply, red peppering her cheeks. Elsie wasn't really out. The brunette was situated in the small wooden wardrobe across the room as she had insisted.
Sam raised an eyebrow, as though he knew Skye was lying, which he probably did, but he didn't push.
Sam dragged out the vowel in the word so it lasted long enough to set Skye's nerves on edge.
she replied.
Sam started, but he didn't get any further.
"It's you, Sam. It's you I like and it's you I sung about. Elsie told me that you maybe liked me so, and Cam approves even though he was a bit funny at first and—"
Skye stopped when she realised Sam was laughing.
Her eyebrows knitted into a neat line of annoyance.
"I like you, too, Skylar Harper."
Skye stepped closer to the boy slowly.
"I like you three, Sam Holland."


It was at that moment Elsie Moore decided to exit the cupboard she was hidden in, whilst yelling,
Laughs erupted from the two teens, cutting through the tension.
It was then the pair realised just how close together they were.
Skye's eyes widened and she backed up, much to Sam's disappointment.
His face fell.
Elsie straightened up, smiling at her friends.
"Called it,"
she said cockily, her familiar smirk falling into place on her face.
The blush on Sam's face deepened as Skye's cheeks became heated and she coughed.
"I thought you said she was out."
Sam spoke in a whisper, but still the two girls' smiles grew.
The blonde shrugged.
Once again, the moment became silent and tension filled the air.
Sam said again, in the same manner as before.
Skye wished he'd stop using that word.
She answered softly.
Both the pair were oblivious to Elsie's beaming face, and Cam's newfound presence in the room.
After a minute of silence, Cam coughed, making himself known.
"Ask her out, bro."
A smile tugged at the corner of Cam's lips.
Sam exhaled heavily before speaking in the British accent Skye adored.
"Skye, do you wanna— uh, be my girlfriend?


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