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imessage conversation

[harper💓] changed [cammy💚]'s nickname to [cameron]
[harper💓] set their own nickname to [skye]

read 13.04

read 14.48

why are you ignoring me?

why do you think, cam?

did your phone die?
i was beginning to

don't you dare play
innocent and pretend
like nothing happened
what you said was
horrible and
unnecessary, cam
i don't want to talk to

skye you're overreacting
he deserved it tbh
you're way too good for

i don't know what's come
over the pair of you, but i'm
not talking to either of you til
you sort yourselves out!

we're falling out over him?


liked by samholland1999, rowanblanchard and 66,532 othersellmoore: england here i come!❤️

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liked by samholland1999, rowanblanchard and 66,532 others
ellmoore: england here i come!❤️

username: oml queens flying to england
username: slay
username: this picture ruined my day
username: @username leave
samholland1999: can't wait to meet you!💕
ellmoore: ditto💜 @samholland1999
skyeblue: why didn't you tell me you were flying to england?
ellmoore: last minute change of plans. sorry babe, i'll say hi to sam for you 😘 @skyeblue
skyeblue: oh, okay.. @ellmoore
username: does this have anything to do with what elsie was plotting?
ellmoore: maybe, maybe not :) @username



sammy says hi👋🏻 @skylarharper

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sammy says hi👋🏻 @skylarharper

username: oml elsie's in england!
username: where's skye?
paddyholland2004: you met ME, yet you tweet about sam @elsiecmoore
samholland1999: be quiet @paddyholland2004
elsiecmoore: i enjoyed meeting you both @samholland1999 @paddyholland2004
tomholland1996 sammy, eh? @elsiecmoore @samholland1999
username: i thought only skye called him sammy?
harryholland1999: he hates it when anyone else calls him sammy @username
samholland1999: i don't mind @elsiecmoore @harryholland1999 @tomholland1996 @username
skylarharper: oh

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