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liked by harryholland64, ellmoore and 2,380,476 others

skyeblue: date 😘
tagged: samholland1999

username: still my opt
username: starting to believe they're cuter than skameron
username: aww
zendaya: this shit is adorable
username: zendaya!!! are you and tom dating!!
username: uwu
username: i think it was awful of skye to announce tomdaya without their permission
skyeblue: actually, @username , i'll have you know that a) it was a joke, b) i'm not revealing anything, and c) i asked both their permissions before posting the snap
hazosterfield: cringe
username: harrison that's mean
harryholland64: and you wonder why you get roasted by us?? @hazosterfield
username: pls get married
samholland1999: i love you 😍
skyeblue: i love you too boo 💋 @samholland1999


liked by camwillis, zendaya and 1,337,904 others

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liked by camwillis, zendaya and 1,337,904 others

ellmoore: and he's 22?

zendaya: unbelievable, right?
username: what a dork
lifeisaloha: actually he's 12
tomholland2013: @zendaya @lifeisaloha i had hope
hazosterfield: dork
username: loml
harryholland64: quit moving in on my girl
ellmoore: your girl? @harryholland64
username: helsie. i told you so.
skyeblue: this is why i left you two to babysit him @ellmoore @camwillis
username: 22? more like 12?
nikkihollandphotography: i can assure you, he's 22
username: 💙💙
enews: skye/harrison conspiracy? read up here! our new article has been published!
paddyholland2004: @enews quit stirring shit
dommoholland: ain't even gonna tell my son to watch his language

this book is coming to an end soon :,)
almost at fifty chapters aswell.
hal x

𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄, sam holland  Where stories live. Discover now