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imessage conversation

[twin #1]
i'm beginning to get really
sick of cam willis

[twin #2]
why? jealous?

[twin #1]
have you read the celebs
daily article?

[twin #2]
about battleships?

[twin #1]
this is gonna make people
hate me
i don't wanna get in the
way of skye and cameron
being together

[twin #2]
but they're not together
skye told you herself
they're in the past
no matter what cameron or
the fans or press say

[twin #1]
don't call me sammy
but yeah
i guess
thanks harry

[twin #2]
i know you like her
but don't do anything rash
remember her and cam are

[twin #1]
okay, yeah
they are
thankyou bro
you're the best

[twin #2]
best brother with the best hair


skylarharper: it's time for q&a with skye! ask me anything and i'll answer! #q&awithskye
  ↳username: when does your new song come out? #q&awithskye
    ↳skylarharper: me and cam will be launching our new song on the first day of Skye Over Seas! @username
  ↳username: how did you and sam holland meet? #q&awithskye
skylarharper: me and sam met when i was two. my dad is a family friend of the osterfields, so really i met him through @harrisonosterfield @username
harrisonosterfield: why are you so annoying? #q&awithskye
skylarharper: learned from the best @harrisonosterfield
username: how are you so pretty? #q&awithskye
skylarharper: omg thankyou, i like to think i got it from my momma @username
username: why did you move to america? #q&awithskye
skylarharper: my padre wanted to move for my mom. i've never met her, and i'm still trying to find her, but my padre said she had to leave. so we went to america in hopes of finding her @username
username: any luck? @skylarharper
skylarharper: none as of yet. :(. @username
username: i hope you find her @skylarharper
skylarharper: so do i @username
username: are you and cam back together? #q&awithskye
skylarharper: no @username
cameronwillis: it's complicated @username
skylarharper: it's not really @cameronwillis
skylarharper: and that concludes #q&awithskye ! thankyou for asking your questions!


imessage groupchat

the hollands (and haz)
tom— shortie
harry— curly
paddy— baby
haz— adopted

how are things going
with the other parts of
plan double s?
i've managed to convince
sam that cameron is out
the picture

uhh, harry?


wrong chat

it won't unsend

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