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skylarharper: all of atlanta and she chooses to go to the park smh @elsiecmoore

skylarharper: all of atlanta and she chooses to go to the park smh @elsiecmoore

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↳elsiecmoore: in my defence, it was a good park   ↳username: this is reason number 2848302847 why i love elsie and skye     ↳samholland1999: i still can't believe you fitted in the baby swing       ↳cameronwillis: you didn't @samholland1999       ...

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elsiecmoore: in my defence, it was a good park
username: this is reason number 2848302847 why i love elsie and skye
samholland1999: i still can't believe you fitted in the baby swing
cameronwillis: you didn't @samholland1999
username: tHeY wEnT tO tHe PaRk ToGeThEr Am I tHe OnLy OnE fAnGiRlInG?!?!11?!?1
username: no i am tooo #samlar @username
harryholland1999: fangirling from afar #samlar @username
username: even harry fangirls :))
harrisonosterfield: not the only one @username jacob is screaming and tom is crying
skylarharper: precious children @harrisonosterfield


liked by ellmoore, tomholland2013 and 102,829 others

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liked by ellmoore, tomholland2013 and 102,829 others

samholland1999: someone doesn't want to leave💓💓
tagged: skyeblue

skyeblue: i. don't. want. to.
samholland1999: good job i'm coming to alabama with you then isn't it🙂 @skyeblue
skyeblue: wait seriously?
samholland1999: yep
skyeblue: #samlar is cancelled cos he didn't tell me
samholland1999 liked this comment!
skyeblue: don't approve of me being mad at you, you spoon
username: my samlar heart 😍


liked by skyeblue, zendaya and 203,373 others

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liked by skyeblue, zendaya and 203,373 others

tomholland2013: tbt a rainy day on the train with my sis. your fur coat rocks it. gonna
miss you skye💙
tagged: skyeblue

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