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"Do I get a hug?"
Skye span around so fast she almost fell over.
Her blue eyes widened comically as she took in the sight.
Dark ginger hair, warm brown eyes, and a overly large beaming smile.
Skye breathed, her pink lips curling up at the corners.
After a couple of seconds of hesitation to make sure she wasn't dreaming, Skye flung her arms around Sam's neck.
The blonde squeezed unbelievably tight, as though the boy would disappear.
She couldn't lose him now.
Not now he was finally here.
Instantly, Sam threw his arms around his best friends waist, breathing in the scent of her long, blonde hair.
The girl smelt sweet; like home-baked brownies and fresh grass after a rainy day.
When Skye pulled back after forever, Sam held back a gasp.
The girl was beautiful; no one could deny that.
Her once short and straight hair fell in waves around her pale face, and her blue eyes shined brighter than Sam remembered.
"I've missed you."
Skye smiled at the boy, almost in disbelief.
Then, she looked around at the smiling faces of her friends, and the phone cameras of Tom and Elsie.
"I've missed you, too."
Sam whispered, drawing Skye's attention back to him.
"Eight years is way too long."
And with that, the pair were back in each other's arms, whilst thousands of fans waited, completely unaware, outside.




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liked by skyeblue, samholland1999 and 204,729 others

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liked by skyeblue, samholland1999 and 204,729 others

tomholland2013: great to see you again sis, sorry for keeping you in the dark💛
tagged: skyeblue

harryholland64: all good?
tomholland2013: all good @harryholland64
username: anyone else see skye's snapchat story?
username: iT wAs A pIcTuRe Of HeR aNd SaM
username: sam holland? @username
username: yes! @username
skyeblue: i love you bro😘
tomholland2013: love you too sis💓 @skyeblue
username: skye please explain
username: sKyE!!!11!!1!!1!!1
hazosterfield: how do you manage to look the exact same in this photo and in the one with me? @skyeblue
skyeblue: skill. @hazosterfield
samholland1999: 💜💜💜
skyeblue: 🧡🧡🧡 @samholland1999
username: sAmLaR
username: samlar!!!!2!!2!!2!2111


liked by ellmoore, skyeblue and 50,179 others

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liked by ellmoore, skyeblue and 50,179 others

hazosterfield: how she manages to look the exact same in two photos i will never know
tagged: skyeblue

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i know haz, it's called terrible photoshop oops
in my defence i was in a rush
and idk why the first story pic is sideways :/

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