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instagram groupchat | gang banggg
four participants

skyeblue which one of you idiots
named this gc

samholland1999 cam

camwillis what? i was feeling

skyeblue you two are idiots

ellmoore at least they're getting

skyeblue that's always a good thing

camwillis yeah, me and sam are
solid mate

samholland1999 yeah, he's awesome

camwillis bro

samholland1999 bro

ellmoore 😒

skyeblue leave them it's cute


camwillis hey, sam?

samholland1999 yeah, cam

camwillis i just wanted to say i'm
sorry for what i said. you're not a
wannabe, you're an amazing actor.
i'm glad we're friends bro, and i'm
glad things worked out.

samholland1999 yeah, i'm sorry too.
i never should've accused you of
treating skye badly. i'm happy i have
you as a friend too bro. and yeah, i'm
happy too.

skyeblue aww how cute

ellmoore that was sweet and all
but why was this gc made? we're
all traveling together for now so we
can just talk?

camwillis in my defence, i was
bored and slightly drunk

skyeblue that explains the
weird messages i got off of you

samholland1999 weird??

skyeblue can you make me cheese and
toast? i could go for some cheese on
toast and a bro fist.

samholland1999 oh, that weird.

camwillis cheese on toast is good

ellmoore touché ^

samholland1999 anyways, i have to
skedaddle, harry's calling

skyeblue oh, okay. say hi to harold
and padster for me. and your mum and

samholland1999 tom and haz are
home now too so i'll say hi to them
for you

skyeblue and tuwaine

i want to meet tuwaine

samholland1999 okay, you can meet
tuwaine soon i'm sure 😂

camwillis bye sam bro

ellmoore bye samuel

samholland1999 bye guys

skyeblue bye sammy, i love you xx

samholland1999 bye blue, love you
too xx

camwillis they're cute who can

ellmoore no one can
read by four participants



thinking about my one and only true love

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thinking about my one and only true love.


skylarharper: spierfield. simon spier and bram greenfield are the loves of my life.

username: anyone else think she was on about sam?
username: she probably was
username: she just didn't want us to know

elsiecmoore: honestly, i ship leah x abby more than spierfield
skylarharper: high key hurt but at least it's not hetero!simon x leah
cameronwillis: because simon's gay. GAY. gaayyyyyyy.
username: i love how their friendship even revolves around simon vs

username: i absolutely love simon vs the homosapiens agenda

username: simon x leah would've been cute
skylarharper: but he's gay. GAY. gaayyyy.

samholland1999: high key hurt. i thought i was the love of your life.
skylarharper: even you can't beat spierfield.
skylarharper: i love you tho😘
samholland1999: i love you too😘
zendaya: is this a confirmation?
skylarharper: it's not a denial..

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