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liked by zendaya, baileemadison and 1,828,262 others

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liked by zendaya, baileemadison and 1,828,262 others

skyeblue: california was the best show by far with these two talented queens💎
tagged: zendaya, baileemadison

username: zEnDaYa
username: you rocked it
username: a friendship i love
zendaya: what happened to the sixteen year old i knew? when did she become such a talented and stunning icon?
skyeblue: when she was influenced by you @zendaya
username: skyedaya is a friendship i stan
hazosterfield: you're so short
skyeblue: you think i'm short? have you not seen paddy? @paddyholland2004
zendaya: both you and tom are shorter than me?? @hazosterfield
username: BURRRN
paddyholland2004: hey!


liked by skyeblue, tomholland2013 and 3,829,261 others

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liked by skyeblue, tomholland2013 and 3,829,261 others

zendaya: thankyou for having me😘
tagged: skyeblue

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