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Big, big news! Recently, I've been offered a role in a movie

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Big, big news! Recently, I've been offered a role in a movie. But not just any movie. That's why I'm proud to announce that I will be joining Tommy in the next Marvel film starring as aka Heidi Kelly aka Hecate! Can't wait to get started! Lots of love, Skye xx

username: omg yasss

username: she changed her username!

harrisonosterfield: so proud of you sis xx

tomholland1996: can't wait to start working with you x

username: dream come true

robertdowneyjunior: ahh, another spoiler for marvel i see
  ↳skylarharperosterfield: OmG iTs RoBeRt DoWnEy JuNiOr

samholland1999: cough
  ↳skylarharperosterfield: oh, and i forgot to mention; guess who just got a role in a movie that isn't me? sammy boi😘

username: ahhh

username: samlar will be the death of me


imessage gc || reunion chat (changed to —one happy family)
six participants

tom— spiderboy
harry— curlz
sam— sam ant
paddy— baby holland
haz— big blue
skye— little blue
cam— cow
elsie— elC

[little blue] renamed the group chat;- one happy family
[little blue] added [unknown]
[little blue] added [unknown]
[little blue] changed [unknown] to [cow]
[little blue] changed [unknown] to [elC]

[sam ant]
spamming much?

[little blue]
leave me alone

[little blue]
okay sam just left the room

i realised when he walked
into mine

it's been ages since we've
used this gc

[sam ant]
it was the hollands x skye
reunion chat

look at us now

[big blue]
big blue? really?

[little blue]
you love us really

[big blue]
now it makes sense

[baby holland]
who are the unknowns?

[little blue]
elC is elsie
cow is cam


[little blue]
nah, his initials are
COW— cameron
oliver willis

oh yeah
remember sammy?

[sam ant]
yeah aha

[baby holland]

one can never say

[sam ant]
the good old days

that's not creepy

[big blue]
you get used to
their twin telepathy

i'm not used to their
twin telepathy

[baby holland]
this is one old gc

[little blue]

you don't even
need it any more you

talk to each other
we're all in the same

[little blue]
family meeting in the

dibs the big chair

no chance

[little blue]
was that?

[big blue]
they're fighting
for the chair

i'm coming and i'm
bringing my camera

i'll get the popcorn

[baby holland]
i've got drinks

[sam ant]
look where we are

[little blue]
well, what can i say?
we've gotta make this
moment last, right now

[big blue]
did you just??
quote your own song??

[little blue]
maybe ..

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