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liked by samholland1999, hazosterfield and 2,373,639 others

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liked by samholland1999, hazosterfield and 2,373,639 others

skyeblue: thankyou for all your help these past few days. couldn't ask for a a better best friend💕
tagged: camwillis

username: a friendship i stan
username: cute
ellmoore: except me right?
skyeblue: equals?😘 @ellmoore
ellmoore: fine
username: skameron
username: we're over that hunny🤧 @username
username: camsie??
harryholland64: nah, she's mine @username
ellmoore: 😘😘
enews: read our article on the skye harper/haz osterfield sibling conspiracy!
username: like what?
username: gonna read that, sounds cool
username: aha i wish
paddyholland2004: @enews go stir bullshit somewhere else
skyeblue: @paddyholland2004 padster leave it
hazosterfield: what's this? sounds interesting😂


This was the last thing Skye needed right now. Another E!News article spreading rumours about her. This time, though, they happened to be true. All the Hollands had seen the post, aswell as Haz, who actually read the article. Skye didn't dare look at how much actual evidence they had in there. All she prayed was that her padre didn't see it; he'd kill her if he found out she was in England, let alone that their catastrophe was all over the internet for some reason unbeknownst to Skye. She hoped it was sheer coincidence.
Slowly, Skye made her way to the lounge. On the first sofa, Nikki and Dom sat, with Paddy slouched over the arm. Tom sat on an arm chair with Tess at his feet. Haz sat on the chair beside him, and Cam was on the floor beneath Harry and Elsie, who were practically on top of each other; this made Skye smile. Sam sat beside the pair, and gestured for Skye to sit with him when he saw her. Skye shook her head, earning herself a raised eyebrow, and remained standing. She coughed once, and Nikki switched off the TV.
"Yes, dear?"
Skye swallowed thickly, her palms becoming sweaty. She ran a hand through her blonde hair.
"There's something I need to tell you all."
A cough escaped her mouth as her body fought what she was about to say, but she knew she had to. Before they found out in ways she didn't want them to; the corrupt place that was the internet, for starters.
"Recently—" The girl exhaled deeply. "—when I was in Berlin, my padre rung me."
"Viktor! How's he doing?" Dom interrupted, but Nikki elbowed him. Skye continued.
"He, he didn't want me to come to England."
Skye ignored the hot tears pricking in her eyes.
"Why?" Sam asked, his voice full of both confusion and sympathy.
"Because, as it turns out—" the blonde almost laughed. "he knows who my mother is. And where." Elsie nodded at the girl to continue, and so she did.
"My mom, is in England. She always was. That's why we left, why after eleven years, I don't know. But she's here, she is now. But she had a family. She had a family when she had me, and my padre didn't want to ruin that for her because of her one mistake. Me. She knew who I was, and I'm pretty sure she knows I'm here. But, yeah, I'm not supposed to be here, but I want to meet her, again."
"Who knew?" Harry asked.
"Initially, only Paddy. Then I told Elsie and Cam at the airport."
"You weren't going to come.." Sam realised. Skye nodded slowly, closing her eyes so the tears couldn't fall.
Slowly, everything fell into place for the others.
"Harrison.." Skye turned to the blonde.
"There's something I need to tell you.."

amazing manip made by cheleighallison xx

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