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so yeah..


so, harrison's your brother?


are you gonna tell him?

no. i can't.

what about when you
come to england?

that's the thing, paddy
i can't come to england
and i can't tell sam

why can't you? he'd
be fine with it

but harrison wouldn't
he'll be devastated
and i'm not tearing you
guys and harrison apart
i refuse

what are you gonna do?

i'll continue my tour
and then
then i won't go back to england
me and sam don't have the same
plane, he's three hours ahead
instead, i'll fly back to florida

there has to be another way

there isn't
i'll tell sam eventually
but for now

i'll help as much as i can

thankyou paddy
i love you padds

love you too skye

𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄, sam holland  Where stories live. Discover now