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Everything was going great.
Two weeks into the tour and Skye couldn't be happier.
She was surrounded by the people she loved most; her best friends in the world, Elsie and Cam, and now her boyfriend who she loved with all her heart— Sam.
Sat in a hotel room, tears of laughter stinging her eyes, Skye couldn't be happier.
Skye cuddled up beside Sam on the sofa as he wrapped her arm around her.
Cam sat at the other side, and Ell was curled up on the floor, engulfed in blankets.
The blonde shifted her weight, swinging her legs under herself and nestled more into the boy beside her.
"You and Harry, huh?"
She asked Elsie.
Blush crept up the brunette's cheeks.
"There's nothing going on between us."
The words were muffled by the covers which Elsie had pulled up over her chin.
"You sure?"
Cam raised an eyebrow, a smirk creeping up on his face.
"Yeah. The fans just ship it."
Elsie said, this time more confidently.
Sam smiled smugly, but before the conversion could get any further, Skye's phone rang.
After glancing at the caller ID, Skye stood up.
"I have to take this."
She smiled guiltily at her friends.
Sam stood to kiss Skye's forehead.
He smiled.
Skye looked at him gratefully before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Then, she swiped the answer button and picked up the call from her dad.

𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄, sam holland  Where stories live. Discover now