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Sam Holland smiled as he caught sight of the venue Skye was performing at tonight.
Tom and Harrison whooped with joy at the sight of it.
With another buzz from the boy's back pocket, Sam pulled out his phone, seeing yet another text from Skye.


sam, please answer me

Ignoring the notification for what seemed like the hundredth time, Sam Holland kept walking.
He just hoped all this was worth it.


Sam held back a little as the trio entered backstage, just as they had planned.
Hurriedly, he typed a quick text out to Harry.


backstage send help

Sam wished his twin was there with him right now.
He was far beyond nervous, about to see his life long best friend for the first time in over eight years.
Honestly, Sam had dreamed this for moment over and over, and he could not be more ready.
Yet, his stomach flipped and twisted into knots as the butterflies flew.
Still, Sam would've given almost anything for Harry to be here with him.
Skye was best friends with the both of them, even though more-so Sam.
But, alas, Harry was busy.
The boy was flying out to Spain for a photography project with their mother, and he had to watch over Paddy until their dad was back from his gig.
Quickly, Sam's phone chimed, and a text came back from Harry.

from HARRY BRO❤️

have fun. love you bro.

Shooting back a reply hurriedly, Sam followed Tom and Haz behind the curtain to backstage.


Skye was a little overwhelmed, to be truthful.
The line of people approaching to congratulate her was endless; she had never heard so many 'well done's or 'i love you's in such a short space of time.
Elsie stood beside her beaming best friend, a proud feeling swelling in her chest.
In the four years Elsie had known Skye, the pair had grown inseparably close, and the love they shared was immense.
That's why Ell had organised this.
Excitement stirred inside the girl as she caught a glimpse of brown curls from behind where Cam was stood.
Slowly, Elsie reached out and grabbed Skye's hand, giving it a squeeze.
Skye smiled at her best friend as she was approached by another person.
"I loved your show, miss."
The person spoke before moving on.
The next person that approached Skye wore a black cap over their brown curls, and in the darkness, Skye couldn't tell who it was.
"Spectacular as always, Skylar."
A high, British voice spoke.
"I've missed you."
Tom looked up and removed the cap from his head to watch as Skye's blue eyes lit up.
"Oh, my god, Tom!"
The blonde screamed, launching herself on the older boy in a breathtaking hug.
Tom wrapped his arms around the now-grown girl, a smile spreading across his face.
After a minute, Tom pulled back.
"Skye, look how much you've grown! You're so tall!"
Skye laughed, looking the actor up and down.
"Not really. I'm still shorter than you."
"I'm tall,"
Tom said defensively before his lips curled back up into a smile.
Elsie smiled at the boy before looking behind him and nodding towards Haz.
Harrison walked in behind Tom, his eyebrows raised.
"Well, that was cute."
The girl laughed, wrapping her arms around the blonde boys neck.
Haz stumbled before hugging Skye back, a smile now evident on his face.
"Yeah, that's enough, shortie."
Has laughed, pulling away.
Abruptly, Skye turned to face Cameron and Elsie.
"Did you two know about this?"
Cam nodded and a smile broke out on Elsie's face.
Cam said, raising his eyebrows at his best friend.
Skye let go of Harrison for a second as she flung her arms around her two best friends.
"I love you two, so much."
She breathed, and Elsie laughed.
"We love you too, blondie."
Elsie laughed and Cam nodded.
"Yeah, we do."
He spoke.
another British voice came from behind the three, followed by a short cough.
"Do I get a hug?"

i'm bad at writing real life ugh

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