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Sam sighed as he heard the familiar click of Elsie's phone turning on.
A sigh passed his lips as the American girl turned to him, and his heart dropped as she opened up her camera.
"Elsie, is this really necessary?"
Sam spoke.
This was the third time he'd asked Elsie that question in the three days she had been a guest in his house.
The brunette rolled her eyes.
"Sam, you know what you signed up for. We have to make them jealous."
"Ell, there must be another way."
Sam argued, hating the feeling what he was doing formed in his stomach.
The British boy ran a hand through his dark ginger hair.
"I feel mean."
Elsie mock pouted before seeing the hurt look in the boy's warm brown eyes and softening her sharp features.
"I get you, Sammy, but sometimes it's necessary to get what we want."
Sam lolled his head back against the grey material of his sofa.
"Don't call me Sammy."
he mumbled before shifting his position.
Suddenly, the pair heard the door of the Holland household click.
Instantly, Sam was on his feet.
he screamed, sprinting towards the door.
A yell came back from the hallway in response.
As Sam ran, Elsie followed close behind, her phone in her hand.
The American girl watched as the two twins collided, seeing each other once again.
Elsie remembered Skye mentioning something about Harry being in mainland Europe for a while, but wasn't exactly certain.
She certainly wasn't expecting him home.
Elsie lifted her phone and switched to instagram, filming the pairs reunion.
Even as Nikki, Dom, and Paddy turned up to greet their son and brother, Elsie continued to film.
Somewhat, though, something grew inside of Elsie Moore.


liked by tomholland2013, skyeblue and 77,493 others ellmoore: almost a full holland household💖tagged: samholland1999, harryholland64

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liked by tomholland2013, skyeblue and 77,493 others
ellmoore: almost a full holland household💖
tagged: samholland1999, harryholland64

username: omg reunited!
tomholland2013: bros🤙🏼
username: anyone have a spare inhaler? i can't b r e a t h e
harryholland64: look at that mane! @samholland1999 🦁
samholland1999: guess who's taller? @harryholland64
harryholland64: leaving
username: i love sam and harry
skyeblue: i wish i could've been there💙
username: same @skyeblue


Skye Harper sighed and let her phone fall out of her hand and onto her bed.
She wasn't going to deny it; she hated this.
She hated the fact that Elsie was over in England spending time with her best friend, who she hadn't even seen in eight years.
Skye wasn't going to deny it; she was jealous.
Skye couldn't help but think about Elsie and Sam, and what they were doing together.
Did Elsie like Sam?
Did Sam like Elsie?
Were they generally just friends?
Despite her best efforts not to, Skye had read all the E!News and CelebsDaily articles about her and Cameron, and Elsie and Sam.
Her and Cam weren't together, not by a long shot.
And at that moment in time, Skye wished Cam was away instead of Ell.
Cameron was getting on Skylar's nerves.
The boy was repeatedly telling her that she didn't need to worry about Sam and Elsie because she didn't need either of them.
And why did she care if they were a couple?
It wasn't like Skye liked Sam, was it?

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