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liked by zendaya, harryholland64 and 307,719 others

tomholland2013: crashing in the hotel room for the night, goodnight from atlanta!

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imessage conversation

missing you already

[little blue]
sam you're next door

what's your point?

[little blue]
it's really not that hard
just come into my room

but tom and haz will
make jokes...

[little blue]
when do they not?

who's in there with you?

[little blue]
well me and ells are sharing
a room and cams in here for now

i'm okay
i should sleep

[little blue]
i want you and cam to make
i can't live without either
one of you

really skye
it's fine i'm tired

[little blue]
please sam
for me?

for you. that's the only

[little blue]
hurry up

i'm coming!

[little blue]
you don't need to knock
come in
read 20.35


liked by ellmoore, camwillis and 106,729 others

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liked by ellmoore, camwillis and 106,729 others

skyeblue: welcome to my hotel in atlanta. only here for a night but i wanna stay forever💗

tagged: ellmoore, camwillis, tomholland2013, hazosterfield, samholland1999

username: we stan one (1) gorgeous queen
username: she tagged sam! he's there
ellmoore: look to the left a little <— and i'm there ;)
camwillis: and i'm in the bathroom. why did you have selfie time without me? :(
username: cam is such a baby 😂
username: @username did you mean 'babe'?
camwillis: i am one gorgeous babe ;) @username
username: cam replied oml i can't b r e a t h e
tomholland2013: shush i can hear you from next door
samholland1999: i thought i was next door :(
skyeblue: @samholland1999 other side sweetie :)
username: oml next door neighbours!
username: not roommates ? ;)
skyeblue: @username no :)
hazosterfield: you annoy me

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