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liked by samholland1999, ellmoore and 103,579 othersskyeblue: glad to have you back gorgeous, now let's go tour the world💗💗tagged: ellmoore

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liked by samholland1999, ellmoore and 103,579 others
skyeblue: glad to have you back gorgeous, now let's go tour the world💗💗
tagged: ellmoore

username: omg buzzing
username: thank god they're okay i thought they'd fallen out for some reason
ellmoore: nah, we're all good boo😘 @username
ellmoore: come on, harper. let's rock this💜 @skyeblue
camwillis: night one tonight. let's go. @ellmoore @skyeblue
username1: holy trinity right here
hazosterfield: ahem? @username @tomholland2013 @lifeisaloha
username: oops?
tomholland2013: rude
lifeisaloha: talk to the hand cos the face ain't listening🙌🏻


liked by zendaya, skyeblue and 256,893 otherstomholland2013: just to clarify, WE are the holy trinity✨tagged: hazosterfield, lifeisaloha

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liked by zendaya, skyeblue and 256,893 others
tomholland2013: just to clarify, WE are the holy trinity✨
tagged: hazosterfield, lifeisaloha

lifeisaloha: too right
zendaya: you guys are petty af
skyeblue: ikr @zendaya
tomholland2013: excuse me? @skyeblue
skyeblue: yell at daya not me¿? @tomholland2013
tomholland2013: no.. @skyeblue
username: thEsE gUyS kIlL mE aRgH
username1: oml i said i'm sorry! but tom posted about me OmL


snapchat conversation

hey ells

hey skye, what's up?

nothing, just curious i guess


well. you knew we had the tour coming up, and that i couldn't go anywhere, yet you chose to go to england to see sam when i couldn't go. why?

in truth, i wanted to get to know him. ik that he means a lot to you so i needed to make sure he was just right for my best friend

just right?

you know.. boyfriend material

elsie! ugh why does everyone think i like him!

i never said i thought you liked him..

what are you trying to say?

well, first off, 1) he's great boyfriend material, 2) he's actually cute ngl, 3) if you don't have him i will, and 4) he likes you too

really? he likes me too?

ha! you said too!

that's not the point ells
but yeah, i said too..
anyways, he likes me?!

yeah he does
a lot
and, since i've about 100% given up with cam, i can fully focus on your relationship instead of mine

i'm sorry you and cam didn't work out
but me and sam don't have a relationship to focus on

not yet you don't :)

don't do anything stupid, please

now when have i ever done anything stupid?

read 08:35


imessage conversation

alright sam, i've done my part
you're on your own now

read 08.46

read 08.51

this is not going to end well

will it not?

so NOW you reply
read 09.13

the whole *ue* at the end of the name thing is something me and my best friend do so i thought it'd be cool to add idk :)
—h x

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