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E!News Interview with Skye Harper!
by Sasha Carter

SASHA: Hi Skye! It's great to have you here today!

SKYE: It's great to be here! Thank you for having me.

SASHA: Thank you for coming! Anyway, not long until Skye Over Seas starts! Are you excited?

SKYE: Of course I am! I couldn't be more thrilled to get to travel the world on tour. Skye Over Seas begins on August 1st.

SASHA: Can you tell us some of the places you're most excited to play?

SKYE: Well, I'm really looking forward to singing with Zendaya in California, and over in England. But I'm honoured to be playing at so many locations, and I can't wait for any of them!

SASHA: Speaking of Zendaya, is it true that she was the one who connected the links between you and Sam Holland? Because let's be honest, this is what the fans are dying to know.

SKYE: [laughs] Yeah, it was Zendaya who made the links, after commenting on my yearly post of him that he looked like Tom Holland. Of course I knew Tom, but I had no idea he was famous!

SASHA: Really? You didn't know Tom was famous? Have you not seen Spiderman, The Impossible?

SKYE: No, I haven't. I've been incredibly focused on my music career and haven't really had time for movies and such. I haven't really spent a lot of time on social media either, until recently.

SASHA: So, you and Sam. Are you together?

SKYE: [laughs] No, me and Sam aren't together. We're just really close friends, and I'm most definitely looking forward to seeing him when I'm in England.

SASHA: If you and Sam aren't together, are you back with Cameron?

SKYE: Once again, no. Me and Cameron are just friends. I'm not romantically involved with anyone at the moment.

SASHA: Well, that's a shame. Fans are most certainly rooting for you and someone, whether they ship Samlar or Skameron. Please keep us updated.

SKYE: [laughs again] I will do.

SASHA: And that concludes our interview with Skye Harper! Be sure to read E!News for more information on Skye and other celebrities!


skylarharper: check out my interview with Sasha Carter on @enews now! 5 days til #SkyeOverSeas begins!
username: oml i can't wait!
  ↳username: brb watching the interview
    ↳username: anyone else hoping she confirms samlar or skameron?
      ↳username: me
        ↳harrisonosterfield: me
          ↳samholland1999: harrison stop @harrisonosterfield
            ↳skylarharper: no relationships to confirm! sorry!
              ↳username: oww :(


instagram messages


uh, hi?

you're sam, right?
sam holland?

i'm guessing you're cam

tell me
you and skye

what do you want
to know?

how did you meet?

we met when we were
her dad was friends with
the osterfields
and the osterfields were
friends with us

did you two ever date?

uhh, no

did you like her?


just so you know
me and skye dated

are you back together?

not yet
but we will be soon

oh, okay

[sam] screenshotted the chat


imessage conversation

[twin #1]

[twin #2]oh shoot

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[twin #2]
oh shoot

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