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call answered

Hola, Padre!

Hola, mi niña!

How are you? It's been a
while since we've spoken!

Muy bueno, Skylar, how
have you been? I miss you.

I've been amazing padre,
everything's going great!
And I miss you too.

How is your tour mi

Good. I'm assuming you've
seen the articles about me
and Sam. And it's so good,
exploring the world with Elsie
and Cam!

Ah yes, little Sam Holland.
I'm happy you found him, and
I'm happy you're happy. But, mi
niña, that is the reason I'm calling.

What? Why?

Skye, did I ever tell you
about your mother?

You told me she looked like me.
You told me she was kind and
caring and beautiful.

She was, mi amor, and
you're just like her. You've
done her proud, if she knew you

Knew me now? So she did know me?

Yes, Skylar, she knew you.
Until you were eleven, actually.

W-what? But, you said
we left England because of
her— to find her.

No, mi niña, no.
We left England because of
her, but— really, she was never

S-she's in England?

Your renewed friendship with
Sam has confirmed she is still
there, Skye. That's why I cannot
allow you to go to England.

Padre! I have to go!

You can't Skye. Because
your madre has a family.
I can't have you potentially
tear that apart again.

Again? You mean she
had a family when I
was born?

A husband, and a baby


Please, don't go back.

I don't believe you..

Skylar, mi niña, you must.

Tell me her name, Padre.
Tell me her name.

Have you not figured it out,
mi amor? Her name is Philippa.
Philippa Osterfield.

call ended

right, so here we get to the
real storyline of the story,
but i just want to say something.
harrison's mum, i'm only guessing
her name is philippa, is not a bad
person as far as i know. i do not
know much about her, but i'm not
at all saying she would cheat or anything
of the sort, it is just my storyline.
thankyou— hatts x

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