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Shortly after Sam's flight home departed, Skye, Elsie and Cam settled themselves in a booth at the airport McDonalds, beginning the three hour wait until their own flight.
Quickly taking a look at her two best friends, Skye hurriedly slid from the booth, claiming she was off to buy a milkshake, and leaving two very confused singers.
"What's her deal?" Cam asked, removing his phone from her bag to scroll through the comments on his recent instagram. Most of them were comments on how cute Skye and Sam were, which made him smile, but others were crueler, some even mentioning Cam.
"I'm not sure. She's been acting weird these past two weeks." Elsie answered, taking a swig from her coke bottle. Cam sighed.
"Ever since she received that phone call in Berlin." He muttered.
"I wonder what that was about. Skye said it was from her dad, but—"
At that moment, Skye slid back into the booth, chocolate milkshake in hand. Swiftly, Cameron made the decision to change the subject.
"Skye, smile. I'll send it to Sam." The boy held up his camera and snapped a shot of the girl drinking her milkshake. Satisfied, he showed it to Skye, who smiled lightly, before pressing send.

to: sam my pal👊🏻

missing you a lot (her, not me

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missing you a lot (her, not me. tho i am :( )

Then, Cam placed down his phone as Skye began to talk.
"I miss Sam.." she sighed, sliding her milkshake across the table. Elsie took a sip from Skye's drink before sitting back.
"You'll see him in like, six hours."
A sigh escaped Skye's lips.
"There's something I need to tell you guys."


"My padre, he rung me, a couple of weeks ago." Cam and Ell nodded, aware.
"And he told me something," the blonde swallowed thickly. "that means I can't go to England."
"What?" Elsie asked, stretching towards her best friend across the table.
"Why?" Cam asked, a look of concern spreading across his face.
"Because," Skye's voice was small. "Mi madre." Both Cam and Elsie knew simple spanish phrases and understood what Skye had said— 'my mother.'
"Has he found her?" Elsie questioned, taking another sip of Skye's milkshake. Skye nodded.
"Is she back in America?" Cam regarded the girl with care, cautious with what to ask.
Skye shook her head. "Well, if she's not at home, where is she? She's, oh, god, she's not dead, is she?" Skye bit her lip at Elsie's outburst and shook her head. "Well then, I don't understand." Elsie huffed.
But Cam understood.
"She's in England, isn't she?" Another nod told Cam he got it right.
"But, Skye, that shouldn't stop you going."
"Yeah," Elsie put in. "You don't have to see her. Just finish the tour."
"It'll be fine." Cam pressed. With all their comments, neither of the pair could see Skye's agitation growing until she snapped.
"No puedo ir a Inglaterra, no porque mi madre esté allí, sino por quién es mi madre. Mi madre es Philippa Osterfield y Harrison es mi hermano!"
It took the pair a while to piece together the spanish, but when they did, they were rendered speechless.
"Does Sam know?" Elsie finally managed.
"No." Skye said, her voice breaking. "And I can't tell him, because then Harrison will know. And I can't let that happen, because it will tear Harrison apart. I can't let Harrison fall apart, because then the Holland's will. I can't do that."
Cam swallowed thickly. "I understand, Skye."
He said slowly. "But we can't let you do that."

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