1 - Late again

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"Have you heard of BTS?" Is a question that gets asked a lot these days. BTS are global superstars! Worlds most famous K-Pop group! Of course everyone's going to talk about these legends! The group consists of 7 members. The leader Kim Namjoon, The eldest Kim Seokjin, The sleepy head Min Yoongi, The sunshine Jung Hoseok, The Mochi Park Jimin, Gucci Boy Kim Taehyung and the golden maknae Jeon Jungkook. They're hardworking and humble people! No wonder they have so many fans! But...

...That could all change in an instant

Because of one...little...secret


"Are you ready guys!? We need to leave now!" The eldest, Kim Seokjin Yelled. It was usually like this. Jin would wake up early in the morning to get ready...but then he always forgets to wake the rest of the members up. They always wake up late....especially Min Yoongi. "The maknaes are ready...me and J-Hope are ready...who are we forgetting?" The leader Namjoon said. Jin looked at his boyf- I mean Namjoon for a few seconds, deep in thought when he remembered

"Min Yoongi"

"Min Yoooooongiiiii~! Time to get up!! OR WE'LL BE FREAKING LATE-" Jin entered the room with anger as he threw the blanket off Min Yoongi. "Aish! Why are you always sleeping?! Get your dumb dumb bubble gum looking ass up!" Jin yelled as he flicked Yoongi on the head. "Ughh..Alright" Yoongi groaned with his deep and raspy voice as he got up and headed to the bathroom.

Well this day got off to a great start...


"Thanks to you we're late! We're always late!!!" Jin Yelled as he smacked his head against the seat. "Hey hey...calm down it's alright...the video shooting doesn't start until and hour...we have time..." Namjoon was trying to comfort Seokjin. Sometimes Seokjin would get really worried over things...same with RM. That's something they have in common and that's why they get along so well. All of BTS gets along well...but RM and Jin have special feelings for one another in their hearts...

And it's not platonic

"Well it's not my fault we're always late...you should just wake us up earlier" Yoongi mumbled. "SHUT-....please just...don't talk to me Yoongi" Jin said as he let out a deep sigh. Namjoon gave Yoongi a 'You heard him' look. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

The maknaes we're having the time of their life! Jeon Jungkook (aka the maknae of the group) was playing white tiles on his phone and yelling at Taehyung to stop bothering him...even though he liked it. Jimin was staring out the window and kept kicking Jungkook whenever he yelled. Soon it became a hand fight between the three maknaes. "WILL YOU THREE RELAX!" Jin Yelled. The three maknaes rolled their eyes and went back to their own thing.

"Tsk Tsk...they're always causing problems..." the sunshine J-Hope said to Yoongi who was trying to relax. "Let them be...their young and dumb anyways..." Suga sighed as he tried to go back to sleep. J-Hope was really close to the maknae line to the point where you can even consider him as one of them. Hoseok really loves all the members like brothers. He has no romantic feelings towards any of them...why may you ask?

Because Hoseok is straight...

And I mean sure he acts a bit gay...or a lot gay, but he's not. But he doesn't mind when people ship him with other members. He thinks it's cute! But don't worry! J-Hope fully supports the LBGT+ community! Mainly because of the members! Personally though...if he had to choose one of the members to date it would be Tae. Only because if kiss they shared once! But J-Hope loves all the members equally...duh!


"Finally!" Seokjin Yelled as he jumped out of the bus. "Where are we?" Yoongi said. The the maknaes jumped up and down...they were at an arcade! "Oh Taehyungiiiieeee~! Let's get the most tickets! And then, we can share one big teddy bear once we have enough tickets!" Jungkook said as he held Tae's hand as the jumped up and down. "Alright everyone! Be quiet and listen! I don't want any of you to wreck this place! Especially you two!" He said as he pointed to Jungkook and Taehyung. "Second...have fun" he smiled. The maknaes went running in first while the Hyungs followed.

Today was going to be the start of an amazing day...they all know it!

Hello! Welcome to my first ever FanFiction called 'Realistic'! I hope you all enjoy it! If I have any errors I'm really sorry...I try to look over my work a couple of times but sometimes I miss a few...so apologies.
But yeah! I hope you enjoy this book ;)
I'll try to update regularly!
And thanks again!
P.S: I can't believe I said Hoseok is straight...
-Mika :3

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