12 - Guess

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"Ahhhh...finally! We get a break!" Yoongi said as he plopped himself on the couch. It's been a while since Yoongi got some time to himself.

"Yeah...enjoy the time you have to relax...we have a concert coming up don't forget!" Hoseok laughed.

"Yoongi Hyung, have you seen Jungkook anywhere?" Taehyung asked.

"No? You're always hanging out with him...I wouldn't know where he is, go ask Jimin...he's probably with Jungkook" Yoongi sighed as he fell back asleep.

Taehyung sighed. Even after the 'incident', Jungkook was still avoiding him. So he decided to ask Jungkook if he wanted to take a nap with him. He knows Jungkook loves taking naps with him.

Taehyung walked up to Jimin's room and knocked on the door "Hello? It's me Taehyung! Can I come in?!" Jimin opened the door and gave Taehyung a big smile "Welcome! Me and Jungkook were just playing games on the Wii!" Taehyung smiled at Jimin's cuteness, then proceeded to go sit beside Jungkook and ask.

"Um...Jungkook...do you uh...do you wanna take a nap with me?" Taehyung scratched the back of his head.

Jungkook felt his heart beating out of his chest. He couldn't even look at Taehyung properly, do you think he can sleep with him?!

"U-Uh...I-I-I..." Jungkook stuttered as his face flushed a bright pink.

Jungkook started to shake. Jungkook quickly got up and slowly backed away from Taehyung.

"What's wrong Kookie?" Taehyung got up and approached Jungkook.

"D-Don't! C-come any closer!" Jungkook hugged himself. He felt like throwing up.

"Jungkook, are you ok?" Jimin asked worried.

"I-I-I..." Jungkook couldn't finish...everything went black.


"Jungkook?" Yelled a voice

Jungkook opened his eyes. "Holy shit...I'm dead"

Jungkook examined the area around him.

Fluffy like a cloud...

"Hello?" Jungkook yelled out "am I dead? Is this heaven?!"

Jungkook started to cry. He died of a heart attack because of how hot Taehyung was...he felt the pain of fangirls.

"G-guess I'm dead then?!" Jungkook cried. He stomped his foot and yelled really loud.

What about his fans?! What about BTS?! What about Taehyung?! He couldn't die! He still hasn't done everything he wanted to in life!

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!" He pinched himself very hard. "God dammit..." Jungkook wipes his tears.

"Eomma...eomma Jin help me...Taehyung help me...Jimin? Hobi? Suga! Rap Monster?! Help! Please" He cried and punched the ground really hard, breaking the 'fluffy cloud' he was on.

He started to fall...

He was falling...

He wouldn't stop falling...

"JUNGKOOK?!" Taehyung held on to Jungkook.

Jungkook opened his eyes.

Back in the dorm?

His head was aching, and it was also in Taehyung's lap.

"Gah! W-what even happened?! Whats everyone doing?!" Jungkook got up from Taehyung's lap and stood up straight.

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