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"It's been two whole weeks Jimin! What is wrong with you?!" Jin yelled. "What is your problem Jin! Why do keep wanting to fight with me! Leave me alone!" Jimin yelled back at Jin. "Can you two stop bickering! It won't solve anything!!" Jungkook yelled.

Everyone was concerned for the unhealthy looking Jimin. He turned very thin in a matter of two weeks. He hasn't ate anything other than a few fruits. When he does eat, he throws it up afterwards. He keeps going to the gym and passing out. He's turned so thin...

Every time anyone would say anything, Jimin would get mad and try to start a physical fight and would, to their surprise, start swearing.

Jimin has changed into a scary person...

He's changed into someone completely different...

"Jimin please! Don't do this again! Eat something! What's wrong with you?!" Hoseok pleaded.

"W-what's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?!!!" Jimin yelled. Hoseok jumped up in surprise at Jimin's words.

"Jimin...stop this! Are you fucking crazy?! We have more concerts soon?! You look so thin! Stop Jimin!" Hoseok yelled at Jimin who was ready to cry.

"Jimin...listen to Hoseok! There's something wrong with you! Tell us! Don't do this?!" Yoongi said worried.

Jimin looked at all the members, they all looked scared for Jimin. They were worried...

Jimin felt so bad...

He felt awful...

"I-I'm sorry..." Jimin mumbled as he ran out the door. He didn't want the members to see him cry.

"I'm n-not strong at all! I'm so weak! I can't do this! I have problems!" Jimin cried.


"Jimin?! Oh come on Jimin?! Don't do this?! We have crazy fans everywhere!" Yoongi yelled. It was Yoongi's turn to be Jimin's superhero.

Yoongi took a bodyguard this time, just in case. You never know what crazy fans will do to you.

"Jimin please come on-" Yoongi froze and sighed in relief. There he was. A crying puffy eyed Jimin staring at him.

"Jimin you had me worried sick...let's go-"

"No..." Jimin said "I don't want to go back..."

Yoongi sighed and sat next to the sobbing Jimin.

"What's wrong Chim? Why are you so skinny? Why are you doing this to yourself?" Yoongi asked.

"B-because...I'm so pathetic...I want to be strong! But I can't..." Jimin cried.

"Jimin, you are very strong. You aren't pathetic at all! Look at how far you've gone! You've accomplished so many things...you're smart, a great dancer, you're also very beautiful...a really great singer! You're so great at everything you do! You're cute and adorable but also hot and sexy at the same time" Yoongi laughed nervously hoping that didn't sound too gay.

"Jimin you are perfect" Yoongi said cupping Jimin's little face.

Jimin started to cry more at Yoongi's words.

Jimin doesn't deserve Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at Jimin's facial features. The way his tears fell down his no longer cubby cheeks, the way his eyes gleamed and his very plump lips that Yoongi had an urge to kiss.

Jimin started to blush...

Jimin can be very naughty and bad sometimes, but everyone in BTS knows Jimin just wants attention and doesn't mean any harm. Jimin is more of a sensitive cutie!

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