11 - I

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Jin woke up early in the morning. He couldn't fall asleep the night before, he's just been having trouble sleeping.

Probably just stress...

Jin took a quick shower and changed to get ready for the day. He decided to go make breakfast for the other members.

Hmm...what would everyone like to eat today?

"Ooh pancakes!" Jin exclaimed and clapped his hands together.

He started making fluffy pancakes! He knew the members enjoyed Jin's pancakes every now and then.

He just hopes none of the members wake up before he's done.


RM woke up to the smell of something sweet...but it wasn't Seokjin. It was a different sweet smell...

Jin's pancakes?!

RM quickly got out of bed, he hoped Jin didn't burn himself while making the pancakes.

"Jin! Seokjin! Are you ok?!" RM ran into the kitchen, a bit out of breath.

"Of course! I made your favourite! Fluffy pancakes!" Jin kissed Namjoon's tiny nose.

"But Shhh! Don't wake the other members up!" Seokjin whispered. RM smiled at his boyfriends cuteness.

RM leaned in to kiss Jin until...

One of the managers appeared

"What are you two doing?" He exclaimed.

"More like what are you doing?! Are you even allowed to be in here?" Jin shook his head in disbelief.

"Of course I'm allowed in here! I'm your manager!" He exclaimed. "Yeah...we aren't working right now you don't have the right to be here! This is invasion of privacy!" Seokjin complained. "Ok I'll leave you alone...just...what were you two about to do?!" He exclaimed with anger in his voice. "None of your business...now can you leave!" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

The manager walked out the door without saying another word.

"He's probably going to tell PD Nim about our 'inappropriate behaviour'" Jin mocked as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey...it's ok. We're in this together. Nothing can separate us" Namjoon said as he kept kissing Jin.

"My-My-My eyes!" Hoseok yelled as he covered his eyes and ran away from the kissing couple.

"Oh right! The pancakes! Namjoon, do you mind helping me set the table?" Jin asked "Nope, I don't mind!" RM said as he gave Jin one last kiss, and went to go set up the table.


"Eomma Jin! These are amazing!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Thank you...don't call me Eomma please" Jin rolled his eyes.

"Jimin...why aren't you eating?" Namjoon asked with worry. "U-uh...I have a bad stomach ache! I'm sorry Jin, I don't think I can eat today..." Jimin sighed "excuse me!" Jimin said as he quickly ran away from the table and into his room.

"Strange...he didn't eat anything bad yesterday?" Hoseok said while eating a mouthful of pancakes.

Jin sighed "let him be...". "What if he's sick?!" Taehyung exclaimed with worry. "I'm sure he's fine...I think" Yoongi mumbled.


Today was the last day of shooting for the MV. After that everyone would get a break.

Taehyung wanted to apologize to Jungkook about the other day, he just didn't know how. So before they left, Taehyung decided to make a card for Jungkook, then apologize to him.

Taehyung saw Jungkook sitting in the corner, playing on his phone.


Taehyung took a deep breath and approached the younger. "H-Hello Jungkook!"

Deep breaths...

"I just wanted to say sorry...here I made this card for you...because I'm just so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you and I understand if you hate me that's fine-" Jungkook grabbed the card and gave Taehyung a hug, but before Taehyung could say anything, Jungkook quickly mouthed a 'its ok' and ran away to start filming.

Taehyung sighed. He really hoped it was ok between the both of them.


Jimin sighed. He was stupid. He should've ate before they left to start filming.

"Hey Jimin! What's up?" RM said as he sat down beside Jimin. "Oh...nothing much..." Jimin sighed. "You ok? You said your stomach was bothering you this morning?" RM said with worry. "Yeah! I'm ok now though!" Jimin smiled brightly. "That's good" RM patted Jimin's head.

"Yep! All good!" Jimin smiled and said with enthusiasm.

Everything's perfect!


"Ahhahahahah! FINALLY! We're done the MV!" Yoongi yelled like a maniac. "Aish calm down...wanna go have some dinner somewhere special?" Jin said as he clapped his hands together.

"Sure but where-" Namjoon got cut off by a manager tapping on his shoulder.

The manager whispered something in RM's ear which made his smile disappear.

Jin was curious on what they were talking about which made RM's smile disappear completely.

The manager gave a disapproving look at Seokjin and walked away, Namjoon sighed.

"Sorry guys, can't have a fancy dinner tonight..." RM sighed. Jin felt bad that his future husband was feeling upset about this, it was just a dinner it's ok if they don't go.

"Namjoonie....what did he tell you?" Jin asked with curiosity. "Diets, diets, diets...he said if we 'want to look good' we shouldn't go out to eat...we'll become fat..." Namjoon sighed. "Ugh! These stupid slave contracts force us to not do things we want to do! What level of hell is this?! I'm human, no actually we're human...we can do what we want!" Jin complained.

Namjoon couldn't agree more, they've been forced to do things they don't want to do, they've been doing diets for hell knows how long, the managers even insisted that they should get plastic surgery! Namjoon thought about it for a bit and how wrong this is. Idols shouldn't be forced into doing things they don't want to do, it's wrong. They should be allowed to do whatever they want.

Namjoon sighed...

...he should've listened to what Jin had said at the very beginning...

"Jin...I think your right..." "right about what?" "Right about everything...you're right, we should stop keeping secrets and come out...and not only as a gay couple, but about everything, how we feel, how they treat us...everything" RM sighed.

Jin was uneasy about doing all that, yes him and RM had a big fight about it before, but...right now at this moment Jin was afraid. Afraid that all the work Namjoon put into BTS will be shrivelled into nothing.

Jin didn't want that to happen...

"Namjoon...it's ok...I'm just unsure about doing everything right now..." Jin fiddled with his hands a bit. "I know...we-" Namjoon was about to say something, but a yelling Jungkook interrupted.


"That's our cue...we better go now Jin..."
Namjoon sighed.

Jin looked around to make sure there was no one around, and quickly pecked Namjoon's lips.

"I love you...always" Jin smiled at his beautiful boyfriend. "I love you even more" Namjoon booped Jin's nose.

"Please stop guys it's getting gross..." Yoongi yawned at the cheesy couple sitting in front of him. "Don't worry...you'll fall in love someday Yoongi, just a matter of time..." Jin smiled.

Jimin giggled at that...

Oh my! 90 reads! I'm so happy! Thank you, thank you!
I love you all I hope you all have a great day!
Thank you so much for reading it means so much to me!

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