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(I recommend that you read this story with some sad background music, just to make it more dramatic...)

It's been 5 years since you left this world...

It's been 5 years since BTS split apart...

It's been 5 years since BTS came out as gay...

It's been 5 years of me missing you...

Park Jimin,

Everyone is ok down here on earth...

When we came out it was a huge deal, everyone freaked out, we confirmed ships, people were disappointed in us, others were happy their favourite ships were real...

We got loads of hate from everyone...we got kicked out of many things, we stopped sponsoring things we basically stopped everything....

We lost so so sooo many fans, it was horrible, everyone went trough a huge phase of depression and sadness...

It was ok though because many great things happened to us on the way...

Namjoon and Seokjin got married, I wish you went to the wedding...they own a big restaurant back in Seoul...it's huge! According to Seokjin, Namjoon still can't chop onions properly!

Namjoon and Seokjin have a big picture of you hanging on their restaurant walls...honestly it seems like you're their kid! Ahh Jimin, I wish you could see it, you'd cringe at it, but for all of us, it's beautiful...

If you're wondering on how Kookie and Tae are doing...well...they're doing amazing! They recently moved into their new house.

Jungkook wanted to move into New York but Taehyung said they should stay here in Korea so that way we're all close by...

They've been getting busy though...they already adopted 3 kids and every time a new kid comes Jungkook would say "We did the process of making a kid so technically I was pregnant" and that honestly makes no sense but I get what they mean...Jimin you would get it you dirty child!

Hoseok moved to Gwangju to pursue a dancing career...it worked out well for him.

He's famous still, he doesn't rap or sing anymore though, he just dances...Hoseok said he's dancing for both the world and you, Jimin. Hoseok misses you a lot...

Hoseok also has a mansion...it's huge honestly. He own like, a billion dogs (I'm kidding...just 3) and they're so hard to take care of!

I went to 'puppy-sit' the dogs a few weeks ago and they started to bite me...Hoseok said something about how dogs like biting the 'lil' meow meow' aka me (Min Yoongi).

Hoseok is still stupid...he's still our ray of sunshine, he's gotten the help he's needed for a long time which is good.

I'm glad he can see his family again, it's so sweet~

And you might be wondering about me Jiminie, well...

Truth is, I have a bad addiction now, well I used to...once you left this world I did drugs, I used to see you when I got high, oh I loved the feeling of seeing you again...

It was really bad though, it was a bad coping strategy...I wanted to join you Jimin, I wanted to be in heaven with you...I tried to...I-I...I...I tried to kill myself...so I could see you again...

It didn't work...

Namjoon found me on the bathroom floor, just like how I found you, except I was alive, you weren't...

I got loads of therapy, I went to counselling and rehab for addiction...it wasn't working at first...

I missed you, I always went back to that yellow notebook...

You wrote so many things in there, about dance, about space, the blue ink was so beautiful on the white page with your elegant handwriting...

I remember at the start of all this you'd stare at me with such curiosity and innocence in your eyes, you stared at me with such admiration...

I miss that...

I visit your grave everyday, I give you the beautiful yellow flowers you love, I read you stories tell you about life..

Because I love you...

You're death wasn't your fault Jimin, don't blame yourself...

It was those rotten fans...your death could've been easily prevented if I stopped you, if I was there a second before...

But I know you wouldn't like me blaming myself for your death...

J-Jimin...I miss you and I love you...

You said that you wanted to become a policeman or a astronaut when you grow up...

I tried to become a police...didn't work...it would've been strange, I'm still famous and I'd need security by my side all the time..it would honestly be strange...

And secondly, it's super hard to become an astronaut...I tried to ask but I need loads of education and years of training...

So I gave up on that one...

I started to loose hope in everything, nothing was working out...

I missed you, I'd just stay in bed for hours and think about what it would be like to have you laying next to me...

I miss you and I'll never stop wishing for you back...

We all miss you Jimin...

5 years ago it was hell for all of us...

We're slowly getting better, we need more time...

I slowly crept down the stairs not wanting to make any unnecessary noise...

I took my yellow blanket and quickly put on my shoes and hurried outside...

I ran past the buildings and city streets into a small grassy area filled with a bunch of to-be-bloomed flowers..

It's super cold outside as expected for the fall season...

I sat there and took out my yellow blanket and small yellow notebook...

The air was cool and crisp, it gave me a sense of freedom...

"Before you passed away, I was working on a song, that song was for you Jiminie, it was my way of showing my love and admiration for you~" I whispered.

I took out my phone and started to play the song I made for Jimin...

"Like a small piece of dust that floats in the air
If that flying snow is me
I could
Reach you faster..."

"You sang that once Jiminie..." I laughed as tears flowed down my cheeks...

"J-Jimin, past the end of this cold season, until the spring comes again, until the beautiful yellow flowers bloom again, stay there a little longer...just wait up there for me, I'll come for you...

I'll come for you soon Jimin..."

~The end~

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