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Yoongi was quickly typing the lyrics of his new song on his computer.

Today Yoongi was feeling better...

"Hmm...If Taekook and Namjin are real...that means the two main ships are real! Ouch...fans will be very disappointed in us..." Suga said talking to himself.

Yoongi decided to take a break and go on Twitter for a while...

Once he got on Twitter...Yoongi was shocked...

Fans were spreading hate comments towards...Jimin?

lol Jimin can't sing...he's also very fat! He should loose some weight yeah? Oh! It would be a lot better if Jimin left the group like he was supposed to in the first place...

Jimin is fat...I'm sorry don't hate me for this lol

Jimin doesn't deserve to be in BTS...he hasn't struggled to get to where he is now and he just lets all the other members down...crying on stage like a baby...pathetic Jimin #IHateJimin

Yoongi was shocked...disappointed...angry...

"IT'S TRENDING?!" Yoongi yelled jumping out of his seat reading all the #IHateJimin trending on Twitter...

"#5 On trending?!" Yoongi yelled again. Yoongi was so angry he smashed his phone on the ground.

"Fuck! Jimin can't see these!" Yoongi said grabbing his stuff and rushing out the door to take away all the technology from Jimin.

"JIMIN!" Yoongi said running towards Jimin who was going to go into his room.

"Hey! What's up Hyung?" Jimin smiled.

"Where's your phone and laptop...I...uh...need them for something..." Yoongi lied scratching the back of his head.

"W-what?!" Jimin said shocked.

"Yeah please just..." Yoongi eyed Jimin.

Jimin rushed into his room to prevent Yoongi from grabbing his computer and phone but Yoongi stopped him.

"Stop Jimin and give me the damn phone and laptop" Yoongi said angrily.

"No!" Jimin hesitated.

"Ok Jimin...if you don't hand me your computer I'll..." Yoongi needed to think of something threatening that'll scare the poor Jimin.

"Or else I'll smear your insides with tuna, hang a fishing hook down your throat, and hook out your organs one by one" Yoongi smirked at the gross but effective threat.

Poor Jimin was shook by Yoongi's words.

Jimin let Yoongi take his laptop and phone without saying anything.

To be honest, Jimin was pretty scared by Yoongi's threat. But it's not the first time Yoongi has given a threat to someone.

Yoongi came back in the room and handed Jimin a popsicle.

"That's for being a good boy" Yoongi smirked patting Jimin on the head and walking back to his studio.

"What the fu-"


"Did you see all those hate comments guys!? Yeah! Nobody give Jimin his phone or laptop or even let him use any technology..." Yoongi said sternly.

Namjoon and Jin gave each other a frown and Taehyung and Jungkook were very disappointed in the ARMY...BTS is 7 members, you don't leave one out.

J-Hope was furious he was mad that his Jiminie was getting bullied by people who were supposed to love him...

"Wait! Where is Jimin?!" Hoseok jumped up from his seat.

"He said...he...was...going out...." Jungkook said with realization.

"Well that's just fucking great!" Yoongi said holding his head.

"Let's go look for him, he doesn't even have his phone on him...let's go" Namjoon said walking out the door as all the members followed.

The hunt for Jiminie was on...


Jimin wore a mask and rushed to buy things at the local grocery store.

Sure the managers usually do it, but today Jimin felt like doing it. Of course he brought a body guard because crazy fans.

Turns out once he got to the grocery store...fans started to notice him...

"Jimin OPPA!" A girl yelled at the top of her lungs which made everyone run to Jimin.

"Uh...never mind let's get out of here!" Jimin yelled to his manager.

They started to run back to the car that wasn't too far (luckily).

Fans starting swearing insults at Jimin and throwing food at poor Jimin.

Jimin realized how worthless he was to BTS at this moment...

"FUCK YOU JIMIN! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE IN-" the fan got cut off by Jimin slamming his car door and driving away.

"J-Just take me back home manager- Hyung..." Jimin sobbed to himself.


"Jimin where-" Yoongi yelled but paused.

"There's Jimin! He's getting out the car!" Hoseok said pointing towards a distressed Jimin.

"W-woah what are all of you guys doing out here?" Jimin said quickly wiping his tears and laughing.

"Oh...uh...we were going on a walk..." Taehyung said scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah...but let's go back inside it's cold out!" Jin said pretending to be cold.

Jimin smiled and followed the rest of the members.

"Hey Jimin can I talk to you for a second?" Hoseok said pulling Jimin into their dorm.

"Uh..yeah sure Hyung..." Jimin said trying to force a smile.

"Uh...did you...uh...meet up with any fans?" Hoseok said nervously.

Jimin frowned and started to cry, he shook his head and hid under his covers.

"Let me die here Hoseok Hyung..." Jimin said, the blankets muffling his voice.

Hoseok frowned and left Jimin alone.

"Guys I think the fans told him things...he's all depressed crying under the covers..." Hoseok frowned.

"Well...Just keep Jimin away from technology and social media...TV is ok...just not the news...k-dramas and TV shows only" Namjoon sighed. "I'll tell the fans to stop" Namjoon said.

"Me too...I'll put a message on Twitter for all the toxic hating ARMY's to see" Yoongi said taking out his phone.

Hoseok rolled his eyes at Yoongi...Hoseok wanted to put an important message on for Jimin, but Hoseok knows he's the most disliked member...no one would listen to him.

"I'll make Taehyung do it..." Hoseok smirked with an idea.

Short Chapter sorry...I want to finish this story before I get bombarded with school work...
And I just want to let you know...those hate comments aren't made up...people are actually out there hating on Jimin...
Tsk Tsk people only hate on BTS...do they have anything better to do?
Anyways...thank you for reading!
The story is almost doneeee~~

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