3 - Secret

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"...Jimin? Do you have a crush on Yoongi Hyung?"

Jimin froze. He thought J-Hope knew?! It was so obvious!

Jimin felt slightly embarrassed "U-uh...yes? Hobi it was so obvious...How come you're asking me this now?" J-Hope just shrugged "I don't know...I thought that maybe you were just jealous because you wanted attention"

Jimin mentally facepalmed himself by his Hyung being so oblivious to the fact that he liked Yoongi.

"But! Hyung! Don't tell anyone!" Jimin pleaded. J-Hope winked at Jimin "No worries...I can keep a secret or two".

"What secret?" Yoongi smirked. Jimin panicked, he hoped Yoongi did not hear that conversation. "N-nothing!" Jimin got up swiftly. "I need to go to the bathroom! Thanks Hobi!" Jimin said as he quickly walked away from the two boys without making any eye contact with Yoongi. "What's up with him?" Yoongi mumbled. J-Hope shrugged.


Namjoon and Jin were quietly watching the new Bangtan Bomb video they released today. "We should've played DanceDance Revolution..." RM mumbled "Yeah! I would've won!" Jin said with pride! Namjoon smiled at his beautiful boyfriend. Yes, they were dating. They've been dating for a while now...but of course no one knows that. Not even Bang PD-Nim. If they were to come out to any of their managers they'll get kicked out of Bangtan for sure! And just imagine the amount of hate they'll get. It's just best to keep it secret.

"I'm going to make dinner for everyone...it's been a long day and everyone deserves food made by me! Worldwide Handsome!" Jin exclaimed with pride. "Can I help?" Namjoon asked. "What?! No?! What are you going to do? Break the onions?!" Jin complained. Namjoon just laughed "Break the onions? Really Seokjin?" Namjoon laughed even harder. At this point Jin was flustered. Namjoon smirked as he had an idea. But before he could do anything Jungkook entered the room.

"TAEHYUNG HIT ME!" Jungkook yelled. "NO! HE HIT ME FIRST!" Taehyung Yelled back. The two wouldn't start bickering. "HEY! STOP IT" Jin Yelled. It worked, the two boys stopped yelling. "Ok you two are going to separate...Namjoon go play with Taehyung and Jungkook will help me cook..." Jin said sternly.

Namjoon wanted to say something but before anything, Jin walked away with anger as Jungkook followed him a bit embarrassed and annoyed.

"So Tae...what happened?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung just pouted and mumbled "but he hit me first..." Namjoon just rolled his eyes at how immature the two maknaes were. Namjoon sighed "well alright...let's play something, yeah?" Namjoon said. Taehyung rolled his eyes "Fine...whatever..."


J-Hope and Yoongi were in the studio working on some songs. They figured they would work on the new album that would be released soon. It was silent, all you could hear were sighs of frustration and scribbling of pencils. Yoongi decided to break that silence "Hoseok...I know it's probably none of my business but...what were you and Jimin talking about?" Yoongi asked. "Oh nothing...we were just talking about the arcade..." J-Hope said like it was 'no big deal'. Yoongi was really suspicious of the two of them.

They stayed quiet until J-Hope decided to speak "Why do you care, Hyung?" J-Hope raised an eyebrow. "Oh I don't really care...I'm just curious because you two seem to have a lot of private talks nowadays" Yoongi shrugged.

"Oh so you do pay attention!" J-Hope exclaimed. Yoongi gave him a 'what do you mean' look. "Did I say that out loud?" J-Hope laughed nervously. Yoongi rolled his eyes. Until he got a call

Seokjinnie is calling...

Yoongi almost fell out of his seat. He remembered the last time he didn't answer Seokjin, once he got home, Seokjin yelled at him and pinched his ear really hard.

"H-Hello?" Yoongi said nervously

"Where are you and Hoseok?! I MADE DINNER AND YOU TWO AREN'T HERE?!" Seokjin yelled loud enough for Hoseok to hear through the phone.

"M-me and Hoseok were just working! We'll be on our way back home!" Yoongi said.

"Aish! You two work so hard! Sorry for yelling...please come home and rest! I'll see you in thirty minutes...if you aren't here by then I'll throw your food out!" Seokjin threatened as he hung up. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Hoseok we have to go back now..." Yoongi mumbled as he packed up his stuff. Hoseok nodded and smiled. Just as they were about to leave Yoongi stopped him by saying "Hoseok...

...Are you and Jimin dating?"

Thanks for reading!
Hope it wasn't too boring and short!

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