17 - Why

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⚠️WARNING ⚠️  This chapter contains violence...if you are sensitive to that please skip this chapter! Thank You!


It's been a month. BTS have been busy doing concerts and fan meetings. Not much has changed within the group.

Jimin still works out a lot and refuses to eat some days. Jungkook is depressed and heartbroken but still talks to Taehyung as if nothing has happened. J-Hope is mad at Yoongi for possibly liking Jimin, it hasn't ruined their friendship in anyway though.

Jin and Namjoon are fine, helping the members in whatever way then can.

And Taehyung is very confused about his feelings towards Jungkook...

But BTS will always be together. No matter what fights they get into, or what happens to them, they'll still be together forever. BTS will forever be 7. Nothing can change that.

"Good job today with your performance, Jungkook!" Taehyung said patting Jungkook on the back.

"Thanks Hyung" Jungkook smiled.

Jungkook quickly walked away from Taehyung to Jimin.

"Hey Jimin! You did a good job today!" Jungkook smiled. "Thank you so much Jungkook! You did great as well!" Jimin said.

Taehyung frowned. He wanted Jungkook to be with him. He wanted to talk with Jungkook again.

He misses Jungkook...

He just wants things to be normal between them...but that can't happen after what Jungkook said, it's just too awkward.

Taehyung sighed, all he wanted was a normal idol life. Work hard, do concerts and make deep bonds with the rest of the members.

But instead, he gets ignored by one of his best friends...

That's probably my fault...if I hadn't rejected Jungkook, we could still be close...

Taehyung thought about it then sighed. He knew that it would be a one sided love if Taehyung accepted him...only because Taehyung doesn't love him like that...

Taehyung wanted to cry. He doesn't know how he even feels about Jungkook. Are they friends? Enemy's? Lovers?

A bunch of questions crossed Taehyung's mind.

Taehyung couldn't do it. He needs fresh air and a place to cry.


Yoongi was typing things on his computer, he wanted to write down more ideas for songs.

Yoongi's mind suddenly went blank...he needs inspiration again.

Yoongi stared at his black bag that he carries all his notes in and noticed the bright yellow notebook that Jimin gave him.

"Oh!" Suga gasped as he picked up the yellow notebook.

Yoongi flipped trough the first page gently, not wanting to rip any of the pages.

Dance and Astronomy book by Jimin!

Do not read plzzzz:)

Yoongi laughed at his cute dongsaeng. He's so stupidly cute.

Yoongi found inspiration on the first page.

It was decorated with washi tape and had yellow flowers drawn all over the page, there  were also stars and planets.

That's when Yoongi thought he could make a song about star crossed lovers and how it's not easy to be deeply in love with someone you can't see or be with because of circumstances that prohibit their expression for love in the outside world, so they must keep it hidden.

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