8 - You

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They arrived at the studio about an hour later. The walk was pretty quiet and boring...for Jimin anyway.

"Hey guys!" Jimin exclaimed as he bounced and hugged Hoseok.

"So why am I here..?" Suga sighed. "Oh...we needed you to help with the next album, Hyung" Namjoon said typing on the computer. "Yeah me and Joonie were trying to write a song but honestly...I'm out of ideas..." Hoseok sighed. Jimin squished Hoseoks cheeks "Don't worry Hyung! We'll find ideas!" "Thanks Chim Chim" Hoseok squished Jimins cheeks in return.

"What's with those two..?" Yoongi whispered to Namjoon. "I don't know...the last few days they've been really clingy...I'm starting to think they have feelings for each other" Namjoon winked at Yoongi. Yoongi just sighed. Yoongi always thought J-Hope was straight, maybe bi?

Whatever...I shouldn't interfere in their relationship...

Yoongi sighed again. He didn't like this.

Wait why should I care?

Yoongi got so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Namjoon calling his name.

"YOONGI HYUNG!" Jimin yelled really loudly. Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts. "We've been calling your name for such a long time now...are you tired Hyung? Do you need a break?" Jimin said holding on to Yoongi's shoulder. "Y-yeah...sorry guys I-I don't feel good..." Yoongi said as he ran out of the studio. "Hyung?!" Jimin said trying to run after him but Hoseok stopped him. "Just let him breath...he's probably tired or something..." Hoseok said. "Ok..." Jimin said sadly. He didn't want his Hyung to be sick. "Hey...how about you help us work on the songs?" Namjoon said he patted Jimin's head. "Yeah! Ok Hyungie!" Jimin cheered!

I hope Yoongi Hyung is ok...


Yoongi ran out of the studio, he just ran. He knew this was going to be a bad idea. He ran but stopped in shock and realization.

Fan girls

All the girls standing in front of him stood silent. "O-oppa?" One of the younger ones whispered. "H-Hi?" Yoongi waved awkwardly. "OPPA!" They all yelled and chased after Yoongi. Yoongi ran and didn't stop for a second, these fangirls are crazy. The girls wouldn't stop chasing him, they're crazy!

Yoongi wanted to die...he wanted to cry and go to sleep...

He wanted to see Jimin...

The fangirls are crazy, they just wouldn't stop chasing him. "OPPA! Saranghae!" They all kept yelling while taking pictures and chasing, it was kind of like a dramatic K-Drama. "OPPA! SARANGHAEEEEE!" A girl yelled. Those words eventually became a blur, Yoongi heard those words all the time by fangirls and boys. He's pretty sure they only like him because of his looks and his popularity.

Yoongi was starting to feel weak, like he was going to faint. That's when a sasaeng out of nowhere came and threw a rock and Yoongi's head. "YOU BRAT! I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME AND ONLY ME!" She yelled. Yoongi's head was aching, and of course, he fainted.

Fans where taking pictures of the passed out Min Yoongi. No one even cares about the fact that Yoongi was passed out.

Such fake fans...


Everyone was back at their dorms, everyone except for Suga. The members were getting worried. "Maybe we should look for him?" J-Hope insisted. Jimin was scrolling through the news when all of a sudden...

Min Yoongi, famous rapper found dead...

Jimin dropped his phone and gasped. Min Yoongi isn't dead. He can't be.

Jimin got up quickly and rushed out the door. "Jimin where are you going?!" Jin yelled trying to chase after Jimin, but Jimin slammed the door shut on Jin.

Jimin ran out the door. He needed to find his Hyung. Jimin ran and ran. Jimin didn't stop. That's when he arrived to the place he saw Yoongi 'passed out' on the news.

Jimin thought for a moment.

Why aren't there any police here? Wouldn't security be here by now?

Jimin looked around, no sign of Yoongi anywhere.

"Hyung?! Yoongi Hyung?!" Jimin cried out. Jimin looked in the bushes but no sign of Yoongi.

What a strange place...

Jimin examined the area. It was like a little alleyway. It was dark out now, Jimin dropped his phone when he ran out the door, so he couldn't check the time or even call for help.

"Good job, Jimin" Jimin mumbled to himself. That's when he heard whimpering. "Yoongi Hyung?" Jimin whispered. That's when Jimin finally found Yoongi. "YOONGI!" Jimin ran to Yoongi and hugged him.

"Hyung you need to come home it's freezing out..." Jimin said feeling Yoongi's head. Jimin took Yoongi's phone to call someone to pick them up.

You don't deserve this Hyung...I'm so sorry...

Jimin said as he cried.

So dramatic XD
Did you like it? I'm sorry if it was too dramatic and if things are escalating too quickly heh...
Thanks for taking your time to read!

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