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It's been 3 weeks since fans started hating on Jimin...they still are...in fact it's spread on onto other members like J-Hope and Namjoon...but both aren't really affected.

Jimin had found out the hate comments by secretly stealing his phone when the rest members were sleeping and has read every single hateful comment directed towards him.

Jimin was depressed as shit...

Nothing was getting better...Jimin is refusing to eat once again, he also looks very sick, doesn't post any selfies and spends most of his days sleeping or exercising.

The members have tried to help, Dr. Lee has even came in and tried to help...

Nothing is working...

In fact they even have a fan sign coming up and Jimin isn't mentally or physically prepared for that...

He has to face millions of hating, toxic fans who will literally roast Jimin to the bone...

Jimin doesn't cry anymore...he's stronger, more powerful now...

"Jimin come on get ready! We're going out!" Jin yelled.

"I don't want to go..." Jimin said hiding under his covers.

"C'mon Jimin! It'll be fun I promise!" Jin smiled.

"Where are we even going?" Jimin mumbled.

"We just want to go on a nature walk" Jin shrugged "I dunno it was Namjoonie's idea"

"Ugh..." Jimin groaned. He honestly didn't want to go anywhere. He was too mentally drained to go anywhere...

"Fine I'll go..." Jimin said trying to be content about going.

"Great!" Jin said clapping his hands together. "You have an hour to get ready...if you're not ready by then, we're leaving you!" Jin smiled.

"What if I'm not ready in an hour?" Jimin smirked.

"Well then...you'll have to deal with me" Jin said smugly.

Jimin rolled his eyes and started to prepare for this very fun day! Hint sarcasm sarcasm...

...This day will suck...


BTS was walking on some random nature trail...

"This place has bugs...I want to go home! It's cold!" Yoongi complained like usual.

"Deal with it..." Jin said rolling his eyes.

"Guys I don't feel good...can we go home?" Jimin whined.

"Jimin and Yoongi shut up..." Jin said sternly.

"Can you two enjoy the walk like normal people and stop complaining for once..." Jin groaned and continued to walk 2x faster than they already were.

"H-Hyung I don't feel good..." Jimin barely whispered. Jimin tried saying it louder but everyone was ignoring him.

I hope I die here...


"Ooh Jungkook look a snail!" Taehyung said picking up a snail.

"Haha...gross..." Jungkook groaned, disgusted by his significant other.

"Well you have to deal with me...for.the.rest.of.your.life" Taehyung said kissing Jungkook.

"Guys not now..." Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"What! I can't help it...plus you and Jin do it all the time" Taehyung shrugged.

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