23 - Soon

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"Fansign day! Alrighty people get up! Time to blast!" Jin exclaimed pulling the blankets off everyone.

"Seokjin!" Yoongi yelled, his voice all deep and cracky because he just woke up.

"Yes Yoongi! Today will be a beautiful day!" Seokjin yelled.

"Jimin wake up cutie pie~" Hoseok said cutely, he wanted to be the first to touch Jimin today.

"Mm...morning Hyung" Jimin said rubbing his eyes.

"Time to get ready for today, baby..." Hoseok said kneeling down in front of the half awake Jimin.

"Ok Hyung..." Jimin said resting his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

"Jealous much?" Jungkook said watching a jealous Yoongi in action.

Yoongi was watching every move Hoseok made with Jimin, Jimin is very sensitive even though he might not seem like it.

"He better be gentle with Jimin...or I'll rip his head off..." Yoongi said angrily.

"Woah calm down...you used to like Hoseok I don't know why you're talking..." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"I never 'liked' him...we were just close back then...until he hurt me..." Yoongi mumbled.

"What? He hurt you?" Jungkook said surprised.

"Might as well tell you...Hoseok can get pretty...aggressive at times..." Yoongi said staring into space for a second.

"Before I 'came out' as gay...Hoseok used to be pretty homophobic..." Yoongi laughed awkwardly.

"So when I came out to him...he got mad...very mad, he tried to smash a bottle on my head! He tried to kill me!" Yoongi exclaimed pointing towards his head.

"Hoseok said he was straight...turns out he's gay or bi or something as well..." Yoongi scoffed.

"Such a hypocrite..." Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"It's really a boring story...I just want Jimin to be safe...that's all...I don't want anyone hurting him..." Yoongi sighed.

"Oh look they're kissing..." Jungkook smirked.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Yoongi jumped up running into Hoseok's and Jimin's room.

Yoongi could hear Jungkook laughing from a distance.

They weren't kissing, Hoseok was just helping Jimin make his bed...

"Fuck you Jungkook..." Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"Hello Yoongi Hyung!" Jimin smiled.

"H-Hey Jimin" Yoongi said a bit embarrassed.

Jimin got up and hugged Yoongi tightly.

"I'll miss you..." Jimin whispered.

"What! I'm not going anywhere?" Yoongi laughed hugging Jimin.

"Yeah I know..." Jimin smiled. "Come on Hoseok Hyung! Let's go!" Jimin said skipping to Hoseok and holding his hand.

"Bye Yoongi! I love you!" Jimin said doing Jin's signature 'flying kiss'.

A bunch a thoughts raced trough Yoongi's mind there and then, his chest was aching.

Yoongi held his chest and fell to the floor as if he were having a heart attack.

"Yoongi oh my god are you ok!" Jungkook said running towards Yoongi.

"H-heart attack! Jimin is w-way too cute for this world!" Yoongi laughed "Yeah I'm alright Kookie..." Yoongi said patting Jungkook on the head.

The minute Yoongi exited Jimin's room, the nasty Namjin couple were making out.

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