9 - Needed

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"Jimin you need to calm down! Getting angry won't help this situation!" Seokjin yelled. Jimin was throwing a 'tantrum'.

Jimin was furious, he felt like he was the only one who cared for his Hyung.

"YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT HIM! YOU GUYS DIDN'T HELP ME LOOK FOR HIM!" Jimin yelled at Seokjin, who was trying to comfort him. "PARK JIMIN! WOULD YOUR YOONGI HYUNG WANT YOU YELLING LIKE THIS?!" Seokjin yelled back at Jimin.

Then it hit Jimin.

"S-sorry Hyung...it's sad though...I-I'm not angry a-at you...I'm mad at the s-stupid fan who hurt him..." Jimin fell on his knees and started to cry.

Jin sighed...he understood how Jimin was feeling. It's not his fault for getting mad, it's completely normal to get mad to see someone you love getting hurt.

Jin walked up to Jimin and gave him a reassuring hug "There, there....is ok Jiminie...Jin is here for you..." Jin stroked Jimin's hair to comfort him.

"S-s-sorry h-hyung...I-I didn't mean t-to get mad..." Jimin cried more. Jimin felt bad, he caused a tantrum and yelled at Jin. He was disrespectful.

"It's ok Jimin...just calm down..."


While Jin is dealing with Jimin, the rest of the members are here with Min Yoongi.

"Is he dead?" Jungkook said with no emotion whatsoever. "Aish! Kookie that's rude to say!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Hoseok sighed "well you guys are making the best out of this situation...".

Yoongi was lying on his bed, he looked passed out. But the members were trying to figure out wether he was actually passed out, or wether he was sleeping trough this entire situation.

"Namjoon! Do something! Wake him up!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Ok ok...Yoongi...Yoongles?" Namjoon shook Yoongi back and fourth. "Five...more-" "HE IS JUST SLEEPING HA!" Taehyung yelled.

"Seriously Yoongi...you were sleeping trough all this? Do you know how worried we were?" Namjoon said with disappointment. "What?! My head hurts!" Yoongi exclaimed. Jungkook and Taehyung gave each other a 'does he know what happened' look.

"So basically your head hurts because a sasaeng came at you and threw a rock at your head...and so Jimin came and rescued you..." Jungkook sighed "Yeah, the poor boy had to carry your lazy ass back home...you were just asleep this entire time?! Jimin was throwing a tantrum because he was so worried..." Namjoon shook his head.

"Well...I didn't know..." Yoongi felt bad. He didn't mean to worry everyone. Hoseok sighed "Do you guys mind if I speak to Yoongi for a second...alone?" "Wait what?! Whatever you need to say you can tell all of us!" Taehyung wined.

"C'mon everyone...let them talk..." Namjoon smirked. "Fineee..." Taehyung sighed.

Once the room was empty, Hoseok started to talk "Yoongi...something has been bothering me...why did you run away from the studio?" Yoongi sighed...he couldn't remember. "I-I can't remember..." Yoongi sighed. "Well...please don't ever run away again...and you should thank Jimin...you know, for saving your butt" Hoseok winked. "Wait...Hobi? What was the point of talking in private..." Yoongi said with confusion. "Oh you know...just in case your answer for running away from the studio was something you didn't want the other members to know" Hoseok smirked, as he left the room.

What the hell does that mean?


Everyone was cleaning up and getting ready for bed, Yoongi realized this would be a good time to apologize to Jimin.

Yoongi knocked on Jimin's door "come innnn~" Jimin cooed. "Oh...Yoongi Hyung" Jimin looked to the ground. Yoongi took a deep breath "Thanks for helping me back there Jiminie...I'm sorry that-" Jimin cut Yoongi off and ran and gave him a hug "I-I'm sorry Hyung" Jimin cried. "W-why Jimin?" "Because t-that girl! She hurt you! You don't deserve that! You've already been through so much!" Jimin cried into his Hyung's shirt. Yoongi patted Jimin's head "H-hey...it's ok Jimin...I'm ok" Jimin smiled at his Hyung's soothing voice.

"Um...am I interrupting something or?" Hoseok said sassily. "Oh! Hyung! No! You're just on time!" Jimin exclaimed as he quickly wiped his tears. Hoseok held up two video game controllers and shook one of the controllers for Jimin to take. "Wait a second...you guys are going to play games this late at night?! We have training tomorrow!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Well...guess we'll be tired then..." Hoseok shrugged, Jimin giggled at his Hyung's sassiness. "Well...bye Yoongi Hyung! I love you! Have a good night!" Jimin pushed his Hyung out the door, despite how much he wanted his Hyung to stay with him.

"Um...ok good-" the door slammed on Yoongi's face before he could say anything. Yoongi sighed as he lazily made his way back to his room.


"So what do you want to talk about Jimin?" Hoseok rolled his eyes as he laid down on his bed. "Ohhh nothing~" Jimin giggled.

Hoseok gave Jimin a look "You want to sleep with me don't you" Hoseok rolled his eyes. Jimin nodded his head very quickly.

When Jimin was upset, he'd like to sleep with his Hyung's...that was a secret he had kept from the rest of the world. Jimin wants everyone to see him as cute, sexy and cool, but Jimin feels like he is the complete opposite...

Cringe, ugly, and dumb...

It's unfortunate that Jimin thinks this way, but nothing will change his mind. His Hyung's and Dongsaeng's have told him that he's 'perfect'...but Jimin doesn't feel perfect...he feels so out of place in Bangtan...

He feels ugly...

J-Hope sighed "fine...you can-" "Yay! Hyung! Gosh! I love you so much!" Jimin said as he laid down next to his Hyung and placed a kiss on Hoseok's cheek.

"Goodnight Hobi Hope!" Jimin whispered. "Goodnight Jiminie" Hoseok whispered back.

Yay! People are reading! I'm so happy!
Since this is my first time writing a fanfic...I'm honestly afraid that BTS will see it...it's not bad or anything...it's just dramatic haha
Well anyways

Question: What's your favourite Bangtan ship?
Mine is....

Just kidding! I won't tell you haha!
Thanks for reading! Don't be shy...leave a comment! :)
Thank you!

P.S: I love Jins epiphany! It made me cry lolol
Ok that's all!

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