2 - Jealous

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"I can beat you in Dance Dance revolution!" Yelled Taehyung. "I dance so much better than you Tae!" Yelled Jungkook. They were just starting to pack up and leave when all of a sudden Taehyung and Jungkook found a DanceDance Revolution in the corner of the arcade...so of course they had to play it.

"Oh c'mon! I'm tired!" Yelled Suga with an annoyed tone in his voice. "Aish! Suga Hyung sleeps too much anyways! C'mon I'll verse you after!" Jimin said as he jumped up and down, hoping for his hyung to say 'yes' to versing him.

"No..." Suga said bluntly.

Jimin let out a deep sigh in defeat. When Suga Hyung would say 'no' to Jimin...he always meant that he wasn't interested in what Jimin wanted to do. Jimin noticed that Suga does that to only him. Every other member can convince Yoongi to do something...everyone but Jimin. That annoyed Jimin a lot. Jimin once cried in his room when Suga went out with Tae and Jungkook to the park but they forgot about him. But that's not important right now.

"HA! YES!" Jungkook said as he won this round of DanceDance Revolution. "They don't call me the golden maknae for nothing!" Jungkook said with a smirk as he winked at Taehyung. Taehyung winked back.

"Alright now can we please go!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Sure Hyungie~!" Taehyung said as he hugged Yoongi. Yoongi just rolled his eyes at the younger. Taehyung would usually do that kind of stuff to Yoongi. Tae would sometimes even kiss Yoongi to get what he wants. That made Jimin jealous. But it's just Tae's way of showing love...I guess.

They all got into their car. Yoongi fell asleep in an instant. Taehyung and Jungkook were flirting with one another like usual. Namjoon and Jin were making plans for the rest of the week while Jimin and J-Hope were talking.

"Jealous much?" J-Hope laughed as he nudged his elbow into the pouting and jealous Jimin. Of course he was jealous, Yoongi always let's Tae and Jungkook kiss and hug him...but with Jimin he always has a problem with it! Jimin is starting to think his Hyung hates him! "Yoongi Hyung hates me..." Jimin sighed as he looked at Hoseok. Hoseok just shook his head in disapproval "No Jimin...he likes you! That's why he doesn't let you touch him! Because he's too shy and nervous!" J-Hope said with excitement. Jimin didn't believe anything J-Hope just said...he was only saying that to make him feel better...that's all.


"Ahh! Finally we're back!" Yoongi said "I'm going to take a nap..." Yoongi headed to his room. "Well Yoongi works hard...so I guess he could 'rest' for a bit" Jin sighed. Namjoon and Jin headed to their room so did Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and J-Hope.

The four and a half maknaes we're going to play some games! "Hmm...what games do you guys want to play?" Jungkook said.

"Hide and seek-?" "We play that all the time Tae...so no"

"Tag-?" "No!"

"We can-" "NO!"

And that's when it started...the fight between the two maknaes in which game to play.

"BUT-" "NO!"

"LISTE-" "NO!"

J-Hope and Jimin stood in silence as they watched the two boys fight. "Should we go" Hoseok whispered loud enough for Jimin to hear. Jimin just stood in silence and mentally facepalmed at the two boys fighting over what game to play. "Y-yeah...let's go" Jimin said trying his best not to laugh at the immature fight the two were having.

J-Hope and Jimin left the room and quietly walked into the living room. No one was there so it was time for Hobi to ask the question he always wanted to ask. "I know I've asked you about being jealous...but I was only joking when I said that...and you gave me a honest answer that you were indeed jealous...so Jimin...

...Do you have a crush on Yoongi Hyung?"


Hmm...I hope this chapter wasn't too short and boring...I've got no readers YET but if you are reading this...I hope it's not boring heh...
Thank you!

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